Scratch Removal

L Train

Well, black betty went down...I loaned her to a buddy who laid her down on the left side at very low speed, almost a stop. I didn't witness the maneuver, but it sounds like he was attempt a low speed left hand turn, was going too wide, so he jacked the bars while applying the front brake. The bike pretty much came to a stop but his body and momentum were still turning left and he couldn’t hold it up.

My friend is OK, and the bike is fine with the exception of a few scratches. He wants to make things right by replacing everything that was damaged, but I have a hard time justifying the full expense to him if it’s not needed.

My question is can scratches be removed (sanded, polished, rubbed) out of aluminum and stainless steel? If so, how does one go about it?

The items damaged:
* Left front indicator lens - this will be replaced ~ $10.
* Clutch lever - very minor scratches on ball end. Would like to smooth out if possible vs. replacing with $30 new one.
* Left napoleon mirror - took most of the abuse, will be replaced ~ $32.
* Gear Shift Pin - the end of the pin which screws on the rubber peg is scratch. $6.50 to replace, but can easily live with this or sand if possible.
* Clutch cover - 1.5" scratch in the black crinkle coat - looks like the gear shifter flexed causing it to push against the case marking the upshift. Oddly enough, the lever itself is not bent and it appears to be shifting fine, so I assume the shaft is OK. Replacement looks to be around $300. Not sure what a repaint would run. Might end up filling in with a sharpie.
* Kick stand - scratched. Can’t tell when its up, hard to notice when its down. Rattle can to fix is better than a ~ $72 replacement.
* Left Dominator pipe - thumbnail sized raspberry just at the apex of the reverse cone. No dent, just a hash mark type of scratch. Of all the damage, this is the one that gets me the most. It’s the most noticeable. Since they are stainless steel, I think they can be fixed, but I’m not sure how. The thought of forking over $525 for a new set of cans to replace a dime size scratch on one seems outrageous.

Thankfully the spill was low to no speed. Also having the bars jack-knifed left the Napoleon out there to take the bulk of the impact. While all the damage is pretty much just scratches and while I don’t have nor want a show bike, scratches are scratches and they will always be staring back at me.

Any advice on fixing procedures (if possible) is greatly appreciated.


L Train


Street Tracker
Bike Bummer

Take it to a GOOD detailer & let him do it . Then give the bill to the offender.
Doesnt sound like a biggy, but as said "You dont want those things staring @ you!! I am sure all can be fixed w/o much $$. Let someone do it & let the guy pay the tab! Only fair? Why should you have to do the labor etc??
That way - he can pick the guy or? Someone rides my bike- They are told "You wreck it- you fix it"! Only fair?


Street Tracker
Running into a tree in the boonies seems to be a good way to remove scratches from triumphs, at least in Australia!



sounds like you are a good friend, as is your pal for his willingness to make it right.

I've put my bike down as well. personally I view the small stuff as character scars and don't worry about 'em. as a rule of thumb, if it is a funcunal issue, or if it is noticable from about 10' out I fix it.

however, one thing to consider. used bikes are tough to sell and lots are available. buyers can and do expect them to be flawless.

L Train


didnt mean to scare anyone with negative implications to OS. Geolpilot touche. A bit of humor always helps the sitch.

pz1p - thanks for the offer. Will PM you if I decide to take you up. Might use the opp to get the bullet markers I've been oogling.

Capt and UC - its definetly not a biggie. Everything is fully functional and as my ol' man used to say "shes a 10 at 20". meaning she still looks perfect at 20 feet away. If it were me who laid it down, I'd live with it. If it were me who did this to someone elses bike, I'd fix it. Which is exactly where my buddy stands.

That said, he done some research and found some products that claim can remove "gouges" (scratches you can feel with fingernail) through progressive sanding starting with 600 grade micro-mesh then 1000, 1200, 1500,1800,2000 and 2400 grades, followed by polishing with metal polish and compounding pad. He ordered a kit and will try it out on some test products (polished stainless dog bowl which we will put gouges in) and if successful we'll do on the pipe. I'll report back what we learn.


L Train