requiem for loud pipes


the Connecticut General Assembly is conisdering a bill regulating public and private (club) shootng ranges. The bill includes a noise limit of 60 decibels
at the property line
think about that 60 decibels; that is lower than many normal converations
a chirping bird is 57 db.
a car's tire whine is 80 db
are strickter regs motorcycles far behind?
join the AMA and NRA to fight these bastards


TT Racer
That seems excessive. Seems their intentions may be at eliminating the ranges all together, the distance required to get a shot down to the required db at the property line would require a huge amount of land. A another form of gun control??:kick:


another form of Big Brother decideing what is best for you
gun control=people control
Congress, at Obma's request is adding 50 BILLION $ to the SCHIP program!
this is a state children's insurence program designed to aclimate the young people of America to getting all life's benefits from the federal government
will motorcycle riders be excluded from such programs as being to "risky"? and therfore undesirable members of society?
guns today; motorcycles tomorrow


It is definitely an effort to drive gun ranges and shops out of business. Fortunately it is relatively easy to keep an indoor shooting range well within those noise requirements. The question is whether existing ranges will have to make improvements to meet the requirement or if it will apply only to new construction. My guess is the former.

As for motorcycles I would say many are just too damn loud, but enforcement of existing restrictions should be sufficient.


This is why I don't read the paper or watch the news, too many things to get aggravated over. I thought these assholes in government were supposed to work FOR the people? I must've been mistaken.
I'm all for noise control, as long as it's reasonable and equitably and reasonably enforced.

Much as I don't like guns, gunshots at a distance don't strike me as unreasonably loud. A big Harley with straight pipes, on the other hand, is truly obnoxious. As is a car with ghetto-blaster hip-hop playing at a volume that registers seismic vibrations.


This reminds me of an airfield where I based my plane, the airfield had been there for 25 years, small single runway. Loads of farm land around it. Then in the early 70's a developer bought the land around the field . Homes went up and it wasn't too long before the homeowners petitioned to close the field, citing obnoxious noise levels, well DUHHHH, the field was there before you bought your house and you knew it and could see it. WE the pilots and owners won.


Street Tracker
Brands Hatch motor raing circuit in Kent has the same problem. They are only allowed to use the full circuit for 12 hours in a year because the residents of the recently built houses near the circuit complain about the noise. The race track has been there for nigh on 100 years.


Same here in Denver area. We built an Airport way the hell out in the boonies cuz our old one was in the middle of housing that was built up around it.

We built a nice big new airport in the boonies. What's the next thing that happened?? Developers came in and there's now noise abatement procedures for the jets.

Same with "loop" hwys in almost all the big cities. They build em and the developers come along and sort of defeat the purpose of the loop roads in the first place!:hung:

Hamr Mark

TT Racer
What's going on with people?
"Hey let's buy a house by the airport, highway, trainyard etc etc...then complain about how noisey it is, and make them change because I say so"

It's like people buying out in the country and complaining about the 'smell' from the farms/animals...I don't get it.

This whole poilitcal correctness, let's sue everyone for anything and make evryone conform to someone's, (not sure who's) standards for the good of the 'community'....bah!

Gun ranges? Where law abiding people, go to enjoy their hobby safely at out of the way places is a issue?

So the gun ranges are too loud. But some idiots shooting up the neighbourhood WITHOUT permits, regards to the safety of others, mearly get a slap on the wrist bacause they have 'problems' and need to be listened to, instead of throwing them in jail where they belong for a substantial minimum length of time.

Like everyone is thinking, what about those twerps with their car stereos so loud it shakes my house windows? H-D with straight pipes? Transport trucks? Buses? Where do they draw the lines, and who are they?

Ok, that's enough for one day...

Gee, anyone tell I had a good night at work last night?

Ohio TT

Two Stroke
On the opposite side of political correctness is the mayor of Toledo who suggested having all the deaf people move out by the airport! :wtf: