Repairing Gauge Wiring


After switching from clip-ons to standard bars I lost a couple of the idiot lights on the gauge cluster. It turns out a number of the wires had been wet, corroded and then had broken. No problem, I'll solder them back together, I thought...NOT!

The wires in the gauge cluster wiring loom simply refuse to be soldered. I cannot get the solder to stick to the , dark-coloured, copper wire. What am I missing here? Has anyone else tried repairing these things? I can't be the first.


Quick question...
Did you use a non insulated 22-18 gauge crimp, squeeze then solder? Don't forget the heat shrink prior to the above!
A trick is to heat the center of the crimp with your iron before applying the solder. Let the heat pull the solder towards the center...
Slide heat shrink over and melt it...
Works for me...
Maybe try some flux to clean the corrosion? I've had trouble with the solder running right off the hot wires like eggs off a teflon pan. It's sometimes sold as "Soldering Paste". Coat the joint with it, heat it up and try again.
I like Flaco's suggestion of using a crimp connector and heat shrink too.

Good luck!


Street Tracker
Your solder doesn't have enough lead in it. God damn hippies...

Clean the wire ends with a scotchbright pad. Even if the solder is pure tin it will still work, just have to get the right flux on it. Paste flux, the iron hot enough, and it will solder right quick. If that doesn't work the muriatic acid flux that we use for soldering zinc will work, but really paste flux will work.


Thanks guys.

I tried using flux, and I'm using leaded rosin cored solder.

It seems that although I stripped-back quite a bit the wires must have been dirty. Trouble is they're stranded wires, and a little tough to clean. Someone suggested I use a dip type cleaner.

I think I may end up replacing all the wiring.

These modern classics really do retain much of the charm of the original Meriden machines...oil leaks and electrical problems!