Rear turn signals



Well ive come up with an idea for some rear turn signal for my bonneville. Im trying to clean up some of the things on the bike that seem bulky to me(the pics makes the seat look quite bulky doesnt it). Im looking for opinions on them. Also looking for some ideas for front signals(ive got no ideas for them). I havent wired them in to the bikes harness yet. Waiting untill I decide if they look good/bad/ulgy/too small/too dull ect. Im using the mini fender and tail lamp from you know where. Not sure if thats the setup im gonna run but its what Ive got for now.

Thanks for looking and opinions.



idea of how bright they are:

Whats in the frame:


I've got the same mini rear fender from the same you know where and have some mini bullet signals on brackets. They have double filament bulbs so I wired running lights.

Stock seat

MAS seat



I like Dick
Since you asked for opinions Robe...mine is....there is always a balance between what you call a clean aesthetic and function. Generally function is slightly compromised by a minimalist look when it comes to lights. In the case of the rear of the bike, being seen is kind of important. The tradeoff with turn signals is they generally look better closer together but when you position them that way, they don't send a positive message as to what direction you are turning...left or right....which can be a real problem in a tough situation where a driver has to make a snap decision which direction to pass from behind. Just sayin' and FWIW. I believe separating the signals is safer and if you could move your LED tail light down fractionally for better visibility, would help as well.
Good $0.02
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Nick Morey

Looks really cool, Robe, but I don't think they would be legal in NY, don't know about Georgia.
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I kind of agree with Speed3 on his opinion, I think it is critical to have good signals, ones that are highly visible, so the cagers can take aim better. No, really, but the small buttons are nice but lack high visibility, to me anyway.
You have to reach a compromise with local motor vehicle laws and aesthetics and that's a tricky thing since the aesthetics is/are strictly subjective on your part.
Keep searching, I know there are bunches of threads and posts on this subject...take a looksee at others solutions and find one you like.
Otherwise, the bike looks good, looking forward to seeing the final cut.
I must say, though, your idea of the red lights inside the frame is a killer idea...that rear end looks almost sweeter than Bonnielass's (key=almost) and if it were legal, a nice solution albeit one that is not going to hang a bunch of satellites all over the rear but it's nice, tight and mighty sweet. (sorry carried away thinking of your solution to the 'rear end' issue)
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Thanks for the opinions guys. Im also unsure about them being too close together. Ive thought about doing amber lenses instead, to help separate them from the brake light. I would like the brake light to be bigger.

but I don't think they would be legal in NY, don't know about Georgia

Why wouldnt they be legal in ny? I know there not dot approved but I havent found any info on whats legal or not. Only that they have to be there.


My signals aren't the only thing that isn't legal. Some headlights that are super bright are probably for off road use only, and any one that even drills out their baffles on stock mufflers are probably not legal, but that varies from state to state. I don't have inspections where I live and as long as there are Harleys on the road I'm not too worried about my load pipes.


Two Stroke
Love the bullet-light-in-the-end-of-the-tube idea. Hows-a-bout wire them into the tail light so's all three would function as one big tail light and then put the shock-mounted turn signals back on...?

Nick Morey

Why wouldnt they be legal in ny? I know there not dot approved but I havent found any info on whats legal or not. Only that they have to be there.

I have to agree with you. I checked and turn signals are required, but it does not state any particular distance apart. My bad.

Lone Trumpet

Street Tracker
Robe - That's actually the second time I've seen blinkers mounted in the Bonnie's frame like that. I loved it as much then as I do now. Go for it!!


Have you thought about bar end lights for the front signals?

Yes. Havent found any that I thought looked good. Ive even thought about signals in the mirrors. Havent found any that looked good. The best ones ive seen are the round led ones that clamp to the fork tubes. But they are $$$. Ive though about some of the mini led ones that are sold every where. You know the ones like stock but alot smaller. But I think it would look weird having the rears like I do and and then the fronts sticking out. Maybe its just me?

and then put the shock-mounted turn signals back on...?

I think if the bike is left stock they suit it fine. I want something a little more sporty maybe and a little custom. So it doesnt look like all the others. I dont want it to look bad either.

I have to agree with you. I checked and turn signals are required, but it does not state any particular distance apart. My bad.

No worries I though maybe you knew something I didnt.

That's actually the second time I've seen blinkers mounted in the Bonnie's frame like that. I loved it as much then as I do now. Go for it!!

Dang it. I thought I was the first. I havent seen any others. I guess its just like anything else - its been done before somewhere.

Thats like the one ive got saved except mine came from the d.o.t web site.

Thanks again for the opinions.