Really messed up weekend

Three years ago, our son-in law, a 24 Y/O Navy corpman was on temporary assignment with his flight squadron in Alaska when he passed away of natural causes. He was a fine young man who had plans to become a flight surgeon.

Our daughter was devastated to be left alone with a 2 Y/O daughter W/O the man she loved deeply. Their friends, mostly Navy personnel, gave her all kinds of support. They even now keep in touch with her, even though many have been reassigned to other Navy bases around the world. Her messaging system at times makes it difficult to converse with her.

She has rallyed now, has a good boyfriend who calls her daughter "his little buddy", and treats both as family. He has somewhat filled the hole in their lives, and our daughter is once again pretty happy.

I said all that to say, life goes on, if you let it, celebrate your friends life with all who knew and loved him.

We have no gaurantee of the next breath, live life to the fullest, and as long as you remember your friend, he is never completely gone.


Robin and I really appreciate the thoughts,prayers and words from each of you. Turk was regular around our place so the boys are starting to feel the loss now too. I hesitated to start a thread about this but I was finding myself becoming angry. Angry with Turk, angry with the Doctor he was seeing, angry with myself for not checking on him sooner. I was feeling more pissed then sad and that didnt seem right. Robin usually gives me shit for checking in on this forum so often but this time she encouraged it, she figured it may help and it has.


Two Stroke
Don't beat your self up for not looking in earlier, it will do no good for you or your family. Be thankful you were the one to find him and not someone else that may have taken advantage of the situation. Unfortunately there are heartless people.
I'm sorry for your loss, friends are hard to come by.



Losing someone... is hard enough... walking in to find someone...
that much tougher. I've second guessed myself in some circumstances like
this in the past... what I go back to and take strength in... and I hope you will... is continuing to live your life as your friend Turk would have wanted you to, and in doing continue to honor and remember him. May you be strong, wise and kind
to yourself & with friends & family in this difficult time...

Nick Morey

Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Nohawk. Time will bring about the right memories when the time for grieving has passed. It's just the way of things. When I think back to those I've lost, sure, I miss them but the happy memories are how I remember them, as it should be and how they would want it, not how or why they died. Stay strong.