New to Triumph and loving it.


To me, the people who have the gear and wear the gear are the people who are interested in riding the machine. By that I mean they appreciate the machine, its engineering, its power, and really appreciate the feeling and act of riding a motorcycle.

On the other hand, people who won't be seen on a bike with riding boots, or absolutely must wear a half-helmet or leather vest, these people are in it for some kind of rep or image. Squids on sportbikes with sandals and no shirt are just trying to look a part, as are the pirates with skullcaps.

It's tough to look cool when you're being safe, but it's tougher to look cool when you've got no face.

Why make rash assumptions regarding how much people appreciate their motorcycle experience by what gear they decide to wear? Risk assessment is a personal decision. If maximum personal safety overrides all other considerations in your life, you can not logically justify riding a motorcycle.


Why make rash assumptions regarding how much people appreciate their motorcycle experience by what gear they decide to wear? Risk assessment is a personal decision. If maximum personal safety overrides all other considerations in your life, you can not logically justify riding a motorcycle.

Agreed. OP was looking for "risk mitigation" so I think that's what we're focusing on here. I for one could care less about what others do when they ride. There's too much clickyness in the sport already to have an ATGATT vs. NOTGNOTT pissing match.
Whatever. I just know that when someone wearing a bandana stares me down as they go by they're not riding a motorcycle for any real reason. They're riding it because it accentuates their bullshit macho image.

Motorcycles, from the perspective of the general population, are regarded as accessories for "tough guys", like a Lhasa Apso hanging out of some bimbo's purse.

You can argue against me all you want, but the fact is until people start riding responsibly, wear all the gear, and stop dressing like pirates and shirtless wanksters, the "sport" will never grow higher than what it is now. A marginally recognized, barely tolerated, disrespected, irritation for the public.

Sorry for the thread jack. I still suggest a full face.


I'm in a helmet optional state. I ride with a half lid most of the time. The last time time I put a full helmet on I freaked out a bit. Guess that makes me in the minority. I do ride "commando" sometimes, but seldom and not for long.

BUT.. I AM A SINGLE GUY WITH NO KIDS. That makes a difference I'm sure.

Glad you got your Bonnie. Ride safe and enjoy the bike.

kinky stunt

Street Tracker
I find myself looking at my kids sometimes and saying what the heck am I doing?

I do the same thing. At least I'm not chasing skirts or playing golf.:wave: Riding is such a solitary experience, a bit self-indulgent, and might take time away from the other important things in life.
Riding is also a way to clear my head, incite the primal rush that speed brings, and is a fine reward for all the hard work I do to put food on the table and shoes on the feet.

Go out and ride topmav1, whenever you can. (+1 on Sunday morning)
A Happy Dad makes a Good Dad.


I do the same thing. At least I'm not chasing skirts or playing golf.:wave: Riding is such a solitary experience, a bit self-indulgent, and might take time away from the other important things in life.
Riding is also a way to clear my head, incite the primal rush that speed brings, and is a fine reward for all the hard work I do to put food on the table and shoes on the feet.

Go out and ride topmav1, whenever you can. (+1 on Sunday morning)
A Happy Dad makes a Good Dad.

Yup I totally agree. Funny thing is that's what my wife told me. She obviously doesn't want me hurt but she says if thats what clears your head than do it. Another friend's wife said it was better than having a girlfriend!
Anyway, I ordered a full face and will try it out this weekend. If it works great, if not, conversation over i guess...

Thanks for all the input.


OK. I recieved the NEXX XR1 full face helmet friday. Looked nice felt good on. I realized right away that the eye view on this thing is huge. I had full clear vision. Webbikeworld says it has the largest outward visibility reviewed by them and I agree. Really wide face shield. It was 90 deg or more in NJ sunday but i rode with it and although hot performed well. Then I put on my 3/4 from Nexx and felt very exposed after riding with the full face. I need some more time to figure out if it detracts from the "ride experience" or if I even care abt that but I definitely felt safer with it on.