New Bike Rules

Hamr Mark

TT Racer
I found these at

Some are pretty good.


[Our attempt to inject some humor and maybe controversy into the mainstream motorcycle community. WARNING - definitely not for everyone's taste.]

IF YOU'RE A MAN OVER 45 AND WANT TO BUY YOUR FIRST MOTORCYCLE... DON'T - Because you will be buying it for all the wrong reasons. Mid-life crisis. Stuck in middle management. Hair gone. E.D. Besides, why spend $20,000 on something you're just going to clean and stare at and maybe ride to the bar weather permitting. Eventually your new fad will fade quicker than that box of premium cigars you pretend to like. So do everyone a favor and accept your old life. Tee times start at 8:30.

GIVE ORANGE COUNTY CHOPPERS A TASTE OF YOUR SIZE 12s - The TV show, the t-shirts, the dopey theme bikes. It's time to wake up and smell the 20W-50. What originally began as a compelling vision of a small shop's pretensions quickly degenerated to overt commercial pandering once the characters got popular. Rehearsed storylines became as predictable as the banner logos gracing the backdrop of every scene. And while a fake reality series is nothing new, it's hard to turn away from the misguided thousands sporting OCC merchandise like it's the second coming of Davy Crockett's cap. A hopeful epitaph: recently spotted Orange County Choppers gear on sale at J.C.Pennys, marked down 60%. This just in - American Choppers (TV series) cancelled. The market has spoken.

SOMETIMES THE LONE WOLF IS JUST ANOTHER SHEEP IN THE FLOCK - Especially if you only ride tavern-to-tavern on ultra-conformist chrome displays in full poser-pirate gear including "BITCH FELL OFF" t-shirts, fingerless gloves and (only if mandated by law) a proper beanie helmet. For a group of "rugged individualists" you're goofier than a bunch of Shriners.

BIKERS ARE NOT AN OPPRESSED MINORITY - The "us" versus "them" attitude is so last century. Your hair (shaggy or shaved), tattoos, black leather and chain wallets haven't scared anyone for a long time. The eye rolling you attract from folks and real motorcyclists have more to do with your pathetic herd mentality than the need to discriminate. Part of which is your inane desire to feel the world doesn't understand you. The biker t-shirts say, "If you have to ask you wouldn't understand." Well sorry to break it to you. Nobody's asking. And whether you're a biker who's black, Jewish, homosexual and/or a Republican there's no reason to think society's out to get you. So give up the glamour of being a second class citizen and accept the fact that you and your lives are merely average or at best slightly below.

IF YOU RIDE WITHOUT A HELMET PRE-PAY YOUR BURIAL COSTS - Rather than debate helmet laws, hospital and insurance rates let's cut to the tombstone. It costs money to put these jokers in the ground. So rather than burden families and society with the inevitable "let those who ride decide" if it's going to be granite or bronze. And have them open their checkbooks before they open their brains out on the highway.

LOUD PIPES JUST ANNOY PEOPLE - All that noise directed rearward doesn't do dick in the most common dangerous conflict where a car turns in front of you. Research shows that bikes with modified exhaust systems crash more frequently than those with stock pipes. If you really want to save lives, turn to a brighter jacket and helmet color with reflectives which have been proven to do the job. Or install a louder horn. Otherwise, stick your ground pounders where the valves don't shine.

IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT THEY CAN'T SEE YOU - Especially if you ride a matte black motorcycle decked out in matte black helmet, matte black jacket, et al. Reflective vests, belts, stick-on squares and brighter colors can do alot to keep you from looking like your own shadow. How much visibility is sufficient? Enough to allow your widow's lawyer to say in court, "There's no way the asshole didn't see him."

IF YOU DON'T RIDE IN THE RAIN YOU DON'T REALLY RIDE - No one is suggesting heading straight toward the monsoon. But if you're exclusively a fair weather rider it's just too impractical to have you on the road. Your inexperience and apprehension are to put it mildly, dangerous. And while Mother Nature is unpredictable, experience, skill and proper gear are what gets you through. Limiting your riding to only the perfect day is just a step away from hardly riding and soon not riding at all. Maybe the best idea for some.

GROUP RIDING IS ALOT LIKE DUCK HUNTING - Eventually some doofus ends up doing something that either kills you or the dog. Group riding with people who don't maintain their bikes, don't ride within their skills and don't wear ATGATT (all the gear all the time) means you'll likely end up helping them work on their bike or sitting around interminable hours in a hospital waiting room. At least with duck hunting there's a possibility of a decent entree.

STOP WITH ALL THE WAVING ALREADY - As sure as the first day of Spring when every bozo has their bike out it starts. You know, the Wave. People with whom we only share the same transportation choice feel the need to mutually acknowledge each other like a bunch of prom queens. It used to be the only reason for an errant hand gesture was the warning of a dead skunk or worse. Like the last scene in Easy Rider when Dennis Hopper gets blown away for flipping off the redneck in the pick-up. A Wave gone wrong. Still the Wavers assume we're all long-lost brothers. Weekend chrome polishers all cruising toward us in dire need of validation. Okay, we admit it. We see you. We're happy for you. Just keep your hands down and eyes up. And if you feel the urge to wave, save it for the next redneck in a pick-up. And lets hope for the best.

YOU DON'T NEED GPS ON A 60 MILE ROUNDTRIP - Tom Hanks got back to earth from the friggin moon (Apollo 13) with only a pencil and a slide-rule. While it's great to able to coordinate your position on the planet in relation to Pluto it's nice to know maps are still available at most gas stops. Or how about the pure adventure of traveling without a destination? Besides, if all Tom Hanks had was a GPS he'd still be on that friggin island (Castaway).

STOP TRYING TO RESURRECT DEAD MARQUEES - Paying over $18 million for the rights to a motorcycle logo from fifty years ago doesn't guarantee that brand will fly off the dealer's floorplan. It might be good business to ride the wave of aging boomer bikers before they trade-in their two wheels for wheelchairs. But if the only reason to buy the bike is the re-hashed logo on the gas tank, the time it takes for all that retro to go Chapter 11 can be clocked with an egg timer. It's time the industry learned that late great motorcycles are best relegated to people's fond memories where they should have stayed all along. UPDATE - Indian is back with a new manufacturer for a third go round in the last ten years. There's never an egg timer around when you need one.

LET'S HAVE MORE REAL WORLD M-CLASS LICENSING - The current M-class licensing fails to take into consideration many riders' limitations. Some new classifications might include:
M-NR - cannot ride in the rain
M-60 - cannot ride during ambient temperatures below 60fh degrees
M-TRL - can only ride within 5 miles from nearest trailer
M-BAR - can only ride to and from a cold beer
M-DONOR - cannot wear a helmet except certified novelty beanie
M-CLEAN - can only clean motorcycle, no riding permitted

Pete R


Yeah, that's the point. Just like my indicators that flash twice as fast - it pisses people off. And if people are pissed off at least they've noticed you...ergo...they know you're there and running over the top of you is gunna cause them at minimum a world of inconvenience.

All that noise directed rearward doesn't do dick in the most common dangerous conflict where a car turns in front of you.

No shit Sherlock. Maybe that's because all's they can hear is "DOOF DOOF DOOF". People have eyes - they're used to LOOK. From memory (I think it was in Japan?) if a driver involved in an accident said "I didn't see him/her" it was an admission of guilt.

With all due respect - and I mean this with complete sincerity - that diatribe seems like the waffle of a 3rd year BA student. How are these buggers going to learn anything new when they already know everything?

I say "fuck you Jack". Grow up, get some scars then preach.

Pete (49 years old, riding for 43 years):finger:


Cafe Racer
LET'S HAVE MORE REAL WORLD M-CLASS LICENSING - The current M-class licensing fails to take into consideration many riders' limitations. Some new classifications might include:
M-NR - cannot ride in the rain
M-60 - cannot ride during ambient temperatures below 60fh degrees
M-TRL - can only ride within 5 miles from nearest trailer
M-BAR - can only ride to and from a cold beer
M-DONOR - cannot wear a helmet except certified novelty beanie
M-CLEAN - can only clean motorcycle, no riding permitted

I think this one should apply to a hell of a lot more cagers than bikers. Perhaps a different category for I can: 'do my lipstick, sip my latte, talk on the cellphone, do my eyelashes, change songs on the ipod all at the same time while I am driving my militarized SUV with no one else in it but me.' Of course it is still us bikers fault that we can't be seen...

Pete R

Hey Pete,

Calm down, relax and lighten up.

I am man. You should see me when I'm wound up! :mad2:

I hear this sort of stuff from time to time from the young guys I employ and even from my own boys. It's the way of the world I guess. The young know everything - shit I used to! :D
My shop is across the road from the oldest pub in Australia (Macquarie Arms in Windsor). The weekends see it full of road warriors on bikes and hotrods of all types. It's great! They're out mixing it with mums, dads, kids and grandparents in the park.
Some of the young guys think it's sad. Sad that old (old enough to have grey hair) guys ride around on and drive around in rocket ships. Sure, some of them could be wankers but I know some of them are top blokes - ex racers, mechanics and engineers out doing stuff they love and hanging with likeminded souls.

It's easy to get one big fat brush, dip it in opinion and wipe everyone in a demographic in one fell swoop with the same shit (and somehow claim it as sacrosanct opinion). One thing I learned at young age was that there's so much untapped knowledge and worldy wisdom quietly wasting in our older generations - experiences that we can't even begin to imagine. I use to love sitting talking to old guys, in the pits at the racetrack or maybe in a pub and listen to their stories. Wonderful stuff.

You posted something having a bit of a swipe at a group of people that I now find myself a member of - seemingly written by someone purposefully leading with their I obliged and took a swing. Apologies if I got it all wrong...

No hard feelings ok mate? It's all good where I am :cheers:



Sigh back ;-0....its all good here to.Pete...most of the grp here are our age. ....just saying, get to know us....

Pete R

Sigh back ;-0....its all good here to.Pete...most of the grp here are our age. ....just saying, get to know us....

Yeah apologies to everyone this time for my spray. I'm a newbie and it's not place to let rip however riled I get.

I do want Hamr to know that it wasn't directed at him or anyone else here - unless the author/shop owner is a member of this forum too :eek: I would say that I don't think it's a very good idea to have that stuff on a business website - especially when it (inadvertently) takes the piss out of potential customers. But then may be they don't care :shrug: not my call anyway.

Apologies again - I'll let 'em slide on through to the keeper next time.

Cheers LMT :cheers:

(PS - BTW I'm admin on another (non-motorcycle) forum. I should know better. Memo to give self an uppercut)
Hamr like most here posted that Not because He actually agree's with all comments. More that we dont mind taking the piss out of ourselves lol. Pretty well most of us fit in that group it refers to. Well I do anyway bugger it! (other than returning to bikes. As I never left them)
Dont worry Pete you will fit in well


Street Tracker
im like most of the guys here. im 51 ridden for years and dont take much serious anymore bahaha


Those rules have a go most riders.

Im not offended by them, but there isn't really any humour in them. There is nothing witty or objective, or positive, or clever about it.

Im surprised more people on here didn't take issue. cause it sounds like someone wants to have a whinge.

the only ones that apply to me are IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT THEY CAN'T SEE YOU cause my kit is all black.

and STOP TRYING TO RESURRECT DEAD MARQUEES cause I ride a 2004 Bonneville


All motorcyclist are aware of all these observations, they are points and generalisations, not jokes.


Am I the only one that found the entire list somewhat ironic? Kinda like the way saying you're cool makes you uncool.

Nick Morey

:chin: I have to agree with Pete. Most of that list is crap (no offense Hamr, I'm sure it was posted as tongue in cheek, eh?). If I have to follow someone else's rules about why, when, or how I ride, then what's the point? I've come to realize the reason I ride is very selfish, that is, it is for my own personal satisfaction. Anyone who judges me or my bike in any negative manner is entitled to their opinion... just as I'm entitled not to care about it. Screw the rules just ride! Oh yeah, and "Go Your OWN Way!" :ride:


In PA, as I think most of this country, you can buy a permit for @ $10.00 and a passing grade on ten multiple guess questions. This permit allows you to go out and purchase a 1000cc + racing motorcycle as your first experience on two wheels... now, there should be a category for novice riders that restricts how much bike they can buy. INSANITY and freedom often go together...