Need a group conscience on a MAJOR mod

No foul.. he's simply showing his ignorance by spewing his Bovine Scatology around the net. He's done the same thing on other Triumph related forums, and he normally ends up pissing off guys who otherwise wouldn't be pissed off. He's simply one of those "if it ain't to my liking, it's shit' guys. They're everywhere... and of course that's merely my opinion.. (refer to comment above about opinions).

Ride safe, and often..

well I'm sure you have figured out by now that I don't really give a fuck if I piss someone off.....

Nevertheless, it's still a fake hardtail strut kit that even though it may bolt on still requires cutting half of the frame off to it will not exactly bolt off, ya dig?


Sweatmachine......I don't know if you have a point or not. I know nothing about hard tails. You have a tremendous amount of knowledge,, make your own are talented.
Your delivery sucks beyond belief. Fine you don't care..ya don't like what I say piss tell it like it is...if ya don't like it fuck you....that is your thing...
You really have a lot to contribute to all of us. Your "I don't give a fuck approach" just short changes your knowledge.
Of course I am expecting " I don't give a fuck LMT...piss off ". :ride:
Naw LMT you're cool in my book. I've got a sideways sense of humor, and I probably come across as a dry sonofabitch online, but I'm fine with that I guess.

Here's the thing with this strut-kit: The guy has been all over Triumphrat claiming that it's a bolt-on hardtail (it is a strut kit, not a hardtail) and that you can go back to stock if you wish. You have to cut the entire back section of the frame off, from the main downtube back to where the seat bolts on. So, in order to go back to stock you would have to JIG up that rear section and weld it back on. No small feat. Guys like Rodburner might be able to reweld that section back on, but you really need a frame JIG to do it right.

So, if you're going to fuck up your frame by cutting it in half, you might as well attach/fabricate a REAL hardtail frame (or at least rear section) to make a real hardtail frame, not some lame bolt on/chop off strut kit that the lying (or ignorant) peddler claims is easily reversible.
this is a true hardtail/rigid frame, note that there is no swingarm here, and the bottom frame rails come up to the axle plates:

and on this, notice the stock swingarm remains, with some bent metal tubing (struts) connecting the backbone of the frame to the former shock mounts on the swingarm, and the upper/seat/shock mount section of the frame has been removed:


if you saw both bikes in person, the strutted bike would look much more cluttered and rigged, whereas a real hardtail/rigid frame looks super clean.


You see I understand what you were ranting about ....and you are correct in my mind.....I at least know cutting your frame and wanting to go back probably means your bike will track sideways. And having the swingarm clutters up the look...obviously not a hardtail. My have the knowledge so share with us first ....then tell us to piss off, fuck off, choke on shit.....the knowledge makes the gagging acceptable for me....:)
keep it on....I have a sideways sense of humor as well......
BTW I left the other sites when I found this one because of all the crap especially RAT so I don't pick up on the site clowns.