Mods for stock pipe bikes


Word up about bafflectomy on EFI bikes. Triumph changed the back end of the stock pipes on later bikes and much harder to extract the little pipe in the end compared to previous year pipes. I tried it. You can bore thru the end but the pipe is captured and almost impossible to remove.
Don't see a reason why you couldn't pierce the internal plates with a rebar tho...just won't flow as good without extracting the rear baffle pipe.

Welcome to the forum OP. Look for a used set of Tors would be my suggestion. Remove the restrictor plate from the airbox at some point as well. Removing the AI is a very good thing. If you perform a search much of this has been discussed and post with any questions or concerns.

Below: crack me are so friggin organized......
I wanted to hear what my stocker sounded like with the ectomy....
So I put on the work jeans and boots....sat on teh short stool, ....put a heavy towel over my jewels and performed the baffle ec there and then.....
After I had the front out I put em on the bike didn't like the sound.....
Back to the stool........core drill with 110 volt variable......and cored all the way thru.......
Then I had a sound...;-))
Off course I was black and blue because the core bit kept binding and the muffler would spin around ;-((


I like Dick crack me are so friggin organized......
I wanted to hear what my stocker sounded like with the ectomy....
So I put on the work jeans and boots....sat on teh short stool, ....put a heavy towel over my jewels and performed the baffle ec there and then.....
After I had the front out I put em on the bike didn't like the sound.....
Back to the stool........core drill with 110 volt variable......and cored all the way thru.......
Then I had a sound...;-))
Off course I was black and blue because the core bit kept binding and the muffler would spin around ;-((

Well...sometimes Lach it does me no good. :) In my case it was into the garbage can with the stock pipes after faiure to get the small internal pipes out. They can be drilled out OK...but with EFI bikes, the pipe is welded in upstream more securely than with older bonnies. And yeah could of done it on the bike like many have but my bike at the time had 5 miles on it and it was the dead of winter with a foot of snow outside and so decided to take the stockers off instead. As it turned out they never went back on. So word up for you guys that own 2009 or 2010 bonnies, if you want to perform the bafflectomy, look for some used pipes that are 2008 or older. Triumph must of got tired of owners drilling out their stock pipes instead of springing for Tors and decided to make it harder. My credo when dealt lemons is short, upgrade. :)
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Just wanted to say I was reading through this the other day...and did my first "free modification", by taking out the snorkel from my 2010 EFI Bonnie. (Was one of the first things I took apart and looked at when I first got the bike in May...and even then was like "What the hell?...this thing looks very "restrictive"...") I left well enough alone then - but decided to take the snorkel off tonight and went for a ride. I felt an INSTANT difference! Crazy how a simple thing like that can change things. Can't say more "power", but man it just feels a little more "alive"...seemed to "move out" quicker and naturally, felt like it was "breathing" better. That snorkel gave it asthma...
And you do get a nice new little "note" when cranking it ...but coming from the the pipes. Gotta say I am looking forward to new pipes though...

Thanks people.


TT Racer
I think I may finally take the plunge and do a bafflectomy on mine. Its the most economical and won't cost me any $.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but with the bafflectomy will a rejet be required? I'm thinking probably not. I have no intention of removing the airbox because I ride in inclement weather also.

Im looking for better sound and not horsepower gains. Im getting tired of my Singer sewing machine.

Just as a note, I rode in pissing rain last week (took two days for my shoes to dry), and I have K&N cone filters.. I did both freeway and side street, and had no problems with sucking water into my carbs.

Keep your filters oiled and it should be fine.
Here is an illustration that we made ( credit Loxpump ) that purports to show a blue rebar punching through all the baffles....


Which is the rear of this illustration; left or right?