Million $ Highway?

Hamr Mark

TT Racer
So, I was watching 'Dangerous Drives' on speed the other day and they were talking about the Million $ Highway in CO. Has anyone been on it? I youtubed some videos of it and it looked pretty awesome, scenery, and road until I noticed the total lack of guards...

So, any ride reports on this stretch of road?

--notice the edge of the road at 1:11 and around 2:05


Two Stroke
The AzRATpack does this ride every July. I went in 07, and could not wait to go back in 09. The roads are the best I have ever ridden. Surface condition is usually flawless. The scenery is outstanding. Very little LEO presence and most cagers will actually pull over to let you pass. I don't mind the lack of guard rails, and will sometimes ride on the right edge of the lane to peer over the edges. But most of the time riding with your head up looking through the turns and fallowing the road you don't notice the guardrails or lack there of. Here's my video highlight's of last years ride.

And another version from my Buddy John.

If you ever get the chance to visit I would highly recommend this ride.


How do the Triumph Twins perform at those altitudes?

I did this ride on a 2003 Honda Nighthawk once and it really was struggling above 9500 feet.

I'd love to go back and ride this on my Scrambler.



Two Stroke
How do the Triumph Twins perform at those altitudes?

I can let you know this summer, my two previous trips were on a S3, and a 675 Daytona. I dont think I would want to do it on a carbed bike that was not jetted for the altitude, but mine is injected so I hoping there will not be much drop off?


Yes, you should be good with EFI.

I've got the last year of carbureted Scrambler so would probably rejet if I were to take it up there.



Thanks for the videos. Hope to ride the Million Dollar Highway this summer myself, going North. The videos make the ride seem much more appealing than the Dangerous Drives episode on Speed.


As a guy who has ridden bikes "at altitude", there's a lack of performance for any kind of vehicle and no amount of rejetting will help. Thin air is thin air and you live with it. As long as there's some kind of CV carb action going you are OK. If I can take a T10 250 Suzuki up Pikes Peak, even if it's in 2nd gear, i'm confident my Bonnie will do just fine anywhere in the State.