lovin my new T100!


Well, I am hooked! Graduated from leg power (Specialized Roubaix) to a sweet 865cc...alot easier on those climbs!!! Ridden horses, and many, many bicycles since a kid,but saw the light a couple of months ago and just can't get enough time on my new 2010 black and white T100! I feel like a kid again....sooo sweet!! Looking forward to learning so much more about riding and bikes w/engines!!!


Thanks for the sweet welcome, all...have enjoyed reading many great posts. You all sound like a great bunch to hang with! I feel I have much I can learn from you.
p.s. i'm a gal, BTW. No offense taken...he he


Street Tracker
Welcome, on nice days I'm torn between ridding my Bonnie or my Specialized Allez, I'm seriously looking at a Roubaix though. When the weather cooperates I don't touch the cage, I've managed to go over a week only on two wheels.


You and me both! This last weekend, although painfully hot...I couldn't decide which set of wheels to take out. So Saturday I did both! Roubaix (a sweet bike!!) for 35 miles....early morning since it was 82 degrees by 8 a.m. Thought my head was going to explode on some big climbs at 95 degrees...so I had to get on my Bonnie to cool off! Another 45 miles on those 2 wheels. I discovered rather quickly in this heat and humidity near Philly, to keep the speed up and the wind blowing past as much as possible!!! And a great mesh summer jacket! Sunday I couldn't help myself...ditched the Roubaix and took out the Bonnie again! Hubby, who has a 105 th anniversary HD Softail Deluxe twisted my arm!! Didn't take much!! TOO MUCH FUN!! I will try to upload photos today...might need a tutorial from the 16 year old daughter! Then spent some of the day tinkerin and cleaning her. Lovin it!


Welcome aboard and congrats on your new bike. This is the internet however so without a picture the actual existence of your Bonnie is suspect. :)


Hi Ink. Welcome to the world of motorcycling. I too have a Bonne T 100. Before that I rode my pedal bike a Specialized Rockhopper. I don't think I will ever go back to pedal power and i did love my bike. Cheers Robbie
Yep, welcome Ink. I've got a Giant Rincon but it's so damn hot here I take the Bonnie more often than not. Enjoy the site.




What a great welcome all! I fear my Roubaix will start gathering dust sooner than I thought...spent 2 days out my T100 this weekend...I can hear my road bike cryin in the corner. Did a beautiful 70 miles last evening in cow country...oh, the sweet smell of manure!! And rode in the dark for the first time! SOOO enjoying this new adventure...just can't get enough of it! Ordered Ventura Rack system so I can take a couple days away!! Perhaps head down to the Eastern Shore of Maryland for some oysters!!! My 2 girls think I've gone off the deep end! Gotta lube my chain this week. Thinkin it is similar to the road bike...just a bit larger! Any suggestions? Safe riding all!!!


Hey Pikey...thanks for the good wishes...been reading some of your posts...must be SWEET livin in Thailand...great riding, HUH? On my top 2 list of exotic places to schlep my bike one day. Spent a couple weeks in Costa Rica recently...off road paradise! One day.... Once these kids graduate and I can taste total freedom!
Thanks for the reply Ink. You and any other members are welcome to PM me regarding visiting northern Thailand or check out www.gt-rider.com. I'll do you a nice little discount on a rent bike. Unfortunately it'll be a Jap 400 rather than a Trumpet!

Lube your chain after every decent ride whilst it's still warm - get hubby to pivot it on the sidestand whilst you spin the wheel and spray lube on the inside run of the chain. Happy riding!




Welcome Ink! Love the black & white "tuxedo" paint scheme. Very classy! You'd better get used to being the center of attention next to hubby's Harley. The Bonnie will be the stand-out.

And those teen girls do come in handy sometimes, don't they? My 17-yr-old was helping me with my iPod yesterday. Her dad is such a dork!
INK - Nice bike! and welcome, it is addicting (got my America last June) isn't it? All I can think about is the next bike to get, and the next project bike... oh, I'm a "bike" person, too - pedal or engine power, 2-wheels is the best!
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Welcome Ink, Have an old school metal frame Trek, circa 1986-1987. I am hard to change my ways, still use toe clips/straps, Italian shoes, LOL


Yeeehaaaa!!! All around a fantastic biking day yesterday!! First solo ride!!!! A little nerve racking in the middle of the day with quite a bit of construction (avec gravel), many more monster trucks and buses than Sat n Sun mornings, pedestrians dancing around in the middle of the road, and several more "skill building" situations...but did really well. Remained calm, thought things through and executed! Really built my confidence! Spending years on my road bike has taught me a lot about manipulating traffic. Much easier to "own" the lane on the Bonnie, though. Then came home to find my new Ventura Rack system had arrived! Spent the next hour putting it on...SOOO easy and convenient. Got both the Sport Rack and the Pack Rack with the large 51 Lt. bag. Plenty of room for long weekend!! Can't wait!! Then spent the evening signing up with AMA for free roadside assistance...(nice to know I won't be stranded!) and then sewing my 2 Triumph patches on my jacket!! Doesn't get much better unless I am in my print studio! As far as all my other bikes, (Old Specialized Rock Hopper, Marin commuter, Jamis mountain, and newest Specialized Roubaix)...I fear I am actually considering selling most of them to save for my next motorized!! Although my soul is drawn to the more vintage styling (can't get enough of the Classics magazines...Vincents, Velocettes, Nortons, Royal Enfields, etc.) my sister in law got a new 2009 Street Triple R....NICE! Hmmm...gonna be a tough decision. Need to pay for the college tuition first though!