Lif & Long Term Storage


Street Tracker
Would storing the bike on my lift for the winter like this screw up the bottle jack on it?


Why would you want to keep it aloft all winter? My bikes have always rested on the floor, no problem.


Street Tracker
Just jack the lift up, then let it relax down onto those black metal legs that engage the notches on the frame of the lift.
Then close the valve again on the bottle just for backup.


I wouldn't rely on those legs if I was moving the bike/lift around, but if it's stationary, those safety legs will hold the weight no problem.



Street Tracker
I have a single car garage and a lot squeezed in it. I was thinking with it being on the lift and casters it would be easier to shove into a corner and move around as needed.


Street Tracker
I have a single car garage and a lot squeezed in it. I was thinking with it being on the lift and casters it would be easier to shove into a corner and move around as needed.

Just look at how wide the lift makes the whole package though.
Not really tiny.


You can buy some sort of wheeled disc that allows movement of the bike without the wheels: sideways, diagonally, etc.


getting the tires off the concrete floor is always a good idea, and you can rotate the wheels occasionaly to keep the wheels bearings lubed; bearings will flat spot if left for long periods in a single positon, if you pull the plugs when you rotate the rear wheel you can also rotate the engine and relieve presure on the valve springs and prevent the rings from sticking to the cylinder
don't forget to plug the pipes and lube the top end, fresh oil and stabilizer in the fuel, drain the carbs and cover with an old sheet


I take my bike for short trips during the winter, when you get those balmy 40 degree days. Keeps it loose and pliable.


Things are a bit tight in my garage (shed) what with the T100, wifes CB500 and me old T90. So I use a tail slider for the T100. Its a 4 caster plate that you ride onto and then slide the tail to where you want it. Helps to keep the bike parked right up in the corner :c


+1 for Davidc. I don't actually store my Black. you never know when there's gonna be a great day during the winter for riding. :woot:


6 in the garage
4 in the barn, maybe 5
3 in the winter workshop
the BMW R80s is always the last to be put away and the first to come out in the spring, may be because of the easy power delivery and the fairing


Street Tracker
Hey that is pretty cool and exactly the kind of mobility that I was looking for. It would definitely be much easier to move the bike around on this than on the lift. :up:

There is a pretty good video at this site showing how it works The price is a little steep though.


I could swear that I saw some sort of disc that goes under the center of the bike which allows every sort of movement, really good for a tight garage...maybe I was dreaming.