Leaning forward


I like Dick
IMO the corbin seat is not suitable for "sport" riding it forces the ride r to sit toward the rear of the seat in an upright positon
i tried on on my T140 for a very short time as i found it very uncomfortable
Perhaps you meant front of the seat. One doesn't have much choice but to crouch into a lower body position to reach the handlebar if sitting on the back of the seat.


TT Racer
Also, more than once I came into a turn a little too hot and I forced myself to NOT REACT, just to look to the exit and ride. Man - that is hard to do but its the same discipline that many men learn and use in emergencies. Its almost a martial arts type mentality.

yeah, you want to keep your eyes on the way out of the situation - not on the obstacle.

When I went down a couple years ago, I was a bit rusty - and unconcentrated. Came into a turn , not fast , but I still literally locked up. My arms got straight - and I was looking at the ditch , thinking "this is gonna hurt".
Somehow I managed to wrestle myself into looking at - and keeping the bike on the road, but the rear wheel slid out under me from some gravel right at the edge of the road. So I dropped off and landed on my back, my dainese back protector doing its job so the only thing hurt was my pride.

The bike continued for 10-12 yds, swinging wildly from side to side before it came to rest. Scratched up mirrors and pipes, dented headlight and tank. But still serviceable.


I think a few of you could do with a refresher training course, which teaches you all about the problems you are encountering.


Sal Paradise

Some of the worst riders I have ridden with took and raved about the MSF course. Then they tailgated a box truck or rode over a blind hill too fast.

If someone is teaching a really good course in mental discipline, situation awareness and survival strategy for all weather commuter motorcyclists, I'm up for that. Or if a world class motocross rider gives a course in how to jump, I could use that. I suck at jumps. But I don't need to spend a Saturday with some parking lot instructor telling me how to countersteer.
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It must depend on the country where you reside as the courses held here in Australia teach you everything that you mentioned plus more, and I highly recommend them to anyone who has been out of motorcycling for a while or was never taught right to begin with. We have had quite a few men in our historical club who have been riding for 40yrs and did the refresher course and were glad that they went as some of their riding skills left a lot to be desired.



I like Dick
It must depend on the country where you reside as the courses held here in Australia teach you everything that you mentioned plus more, and I highly recommend them to anyone who has been out of motorcycling for a while or was never taught right to begin with. We have had quite a few men in our historical club who have been riding for 40yrs and did the refresher course and were glad that they went as some of their riding skills left a lot to be desired.

It doesn't depend in what country you reside. Perhaps if you traveled more, you would know that. Further, the worse riders bar none in any of the classes I have taken have been women. Most of them are awful riders...slow and uncertain if not downright dangerous. There are exceptions however. People independent of gender can't learn enough about riding a motorcycle properly for not only enjoyment but safety. As Sal mentioned, that is what this thread is about.
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My MSF course was taught by a couple of women, they did a great job. Now that I've been riding for a few years I've been thinking I could do with another class, maybe the Experienced Rider Course.


Perhaps you meant front of the seat. One doesn't have much choice but to crouch into a lower body position to reach the handlebar if sitting on the back of the seat.

nope, i mean rear of thee seat
the seat is built in such a way as to create a "pocket" for your butt but the "polcet" is too far to the rear of the seat
the front of the seat was narrow and hard
not a good fit with clip ons or the M bar


I like Dick
nope, i mean rear of thee seat
the seat is built in such a way as to create a "pocket" for your butt but the "polcet" is too far to the rear of the seat
the front of the seat was narrow and hard
not a good fit with clip ons or the M bar
Well then what you describe is a physical impossibility...lol...unless the rear of seat is much higher than the front. The more rearward you sit, the more you reach for the handlebar which reduces torso angle in profile. Basic physics.


TT Racer
a typical corbin seat: not what you want with low bars...


It doesn't depend in what country you reside. Perhaps if you traveled more, you would know that. Further, the worse riders bar none in any of the classes I have taken have been women. Most of them are awful riders...slow and uncertain if not downright dangerous. There are exceptions however. People independent of gender can't learn enough about riding a motorcycle properly for not only enjoyment but safety. As Sal mentioned, that is what this thread is about.

How do you know how much I have travelled?, I have travelled extensively but have never inquired about a motorcycle course in another country.
Apparently women see danger in things that men don't, it must be in our make-up, and I do agree in general that they don't ride as aggressively as most men, afterall they don't have all that testosterone flowing through our veins.
I have ridden 60,000 klms on my Bonnie (with men) and I keep up with the best of them.



My MSF course was taught by a couple of women, they did a great job. Now that I've been riding for a few years I've been thinking I could do with another class, maybe the Experienced Rider Course.

Hi Barry, I'm going back 8yrs now from when I did my course, and amongst the teachers there was a lady who was excellent. She drag raced Harleys for a hobby.

A female friend of mine, not too long ago retired from road racing, she was "A" grade rated in National events, she is also a qualified training instructor. When I'm riding quickly and notice a female rider I make no assumptions.

Sal Paradise

There's a guy on the Rat site who claims his GF makes the liter class boy racers look slow when she wheelies past them. Unfortunately, I only meet great women riders on the internet, never in real life. Both my own beloved and the other females on the few group rides I took have been a handful and not in a good way.

In their defense I am really selective about who I ride with. On motorcycles. :)

My wife just let her permit expire but claims she will renew it in the spring. Not sure what to hope for there.


I like Dick
How do you know how much I have travelled?, I have travelled extensively but have never inquired about a motorcycle course in another country.
Apparently women see danger in things that men don't, it must be in our make-up, and I do agree in general that they don't ride as aggressively as most men, afterall they don't have all that testosterone flowing through our veins.
I have ridden 60,000 klms on my Bonnie (with men) and I keep up with the best of them.

How do I know? Because of what you wrote...lol.
I am glad you can ride Jewel. It isn't just about riding fast. It’s about control of the motorcycle and judgment. It really comes down to time spent over and above biology and acculturation. The philosophical question relates to predisposition to time spent. Chicken and egg. Behavioral predisposition is predilected by DNA. When little girls were playing with their dolls, boys were out in the back yard jumping their bicycles over hills they made by hand unless they were making clothes at the knee of their mom in preparation for a career in interior decorating. :eeek: Its in our DNA. We could have a philosophical conversation on nesting versus hunting and gathering, male's dominance in mechanics and engineering and supremacy in automobile and motorcycle racing but the data is in if you haven't noticed.
Nature versus nurture. Males are also the best chess players and historically have made the greatest scientific discoveries....neither of which require testosterone which begets physical strength and aggression. Brain organization. Read up.
As I mentioned, there are notable exceptions. Biology can be mitigated by environment e.g. Dan-ica. Still comes down to biology. Make no mistake, Danica is very different than an average girl.
Ride safe.
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Street Tracker
A little off topic, but my wife rode for a while. She was just starting to get comfortable when she scared herself on a rain-dampened road one day and decided to hang it up. I was glad. At first I thought it was great that she would want to try my favorite thing, but I ended up constantly watching my mirrors to make sure she was ok, and riding a lot slower and having much less fun in general.


How do I know? Because of what you wrote...lol.
I am glad you can ride Jewel. It isn't just about riding fast. It’s about control of the motorcycle and judgment. It really comes down to time spent over and above biology and acculturation. When little girls were playing with their dolls, boys were out in the back yard jumping their bicycles over hills they made by hand unless they were making clothes at the knee of their mom in preparation for a career in interior decorating. :eeek: Its in our DNA. We could have a philosophical conversation on nesting versus hunting and gathering, male's dominance in mechanics and engineering and supremacy in automobile and motorcycle racing but the data is in if you haven't noticed.
Nature versus nurture. Read up.
As I mentioned, there are notable exceptions. Biology can be mitigated by environment e.g. Dan-ica.
Ride safe.

Ahah, we're starting to understand each other:) BTW my pushie and my cousin's train set were my favourite things. I am 51yrs old married for 32yrs and have 2 daughters & 1 son (a street triple fanatic) so I am all female:cheer:

Jewel :)


I like Dick
Ahah, we're starting to understand each other:) BTW my pushie and my cousin's train set were my favourite things. I am 51yrs old married for 32yrs and have 2 daughters & 1 son (a street triple fanatic) so I am all female:cheer:

Jewel :)
My favorite kind of girl. ;)