Launch/Drags technique?


Street Tracker
Okay - a million years ago I used to do some drag racing with a street car. Nothing big, ran 14's. It was fun.

Never ran a bike at the drags, but am kind of curious... Now that I've got these cool pipes from New Bonneville on my Scrambler... Wonder how fast it would be?

Okay - there's apparently a drag strip within an easy ride of my place here in central Washington. At least I've heard that there is one. What kind of prep do I need to do to the bike and my gear to get it ready?

Equally important - how do I ride it for max performance? I really don't know how to launch the bike for fastest acceleration. It's a stock Scram with NH pipes, and a good tune. I don't want to dump any more money into it with hop up parts, I just want to run it hard at the track a couple of times for fun.

Input please?


I dunno really. I'm sure you'll "Load" the clutch by braking on the front a bit. Sit forward of course. There was guy here who put his thrux thru the paces. Mebbe you can do a search.


Lean forward and just before the limiter switch. Most places that do drags have a rule about keeping the front end down or you will be DQed or asked to leave. I would say rev to approx 4500 rpms and dump clutch. Try out what is most comfortable for you before going.


You dont want to dump the clutch on theses bikes .You need to slip the clutch to get it to leave with out the front wheel in your face,play with it on the street till you find what works.


Street Tracker
This cracks me up - I want to take it to a track so I'm not racing on the street and now you guys are telling me to practice a race launch on the street! :lol3:

Okay, front end down. Weight forward. Slip the clutch. Make noise. Shift quick... Should be fun! :)

Not going to be for a while though - it's 14 degrees here this morning... I think maybe May or June... Will I need full leathers? I have a cordura type riding suit with armor... Hoping that will suffice.

Any other tips for a good run at the strip greatly appreciated. Now I can tell the local cops that I'm just practicing drag racing techniques recommended by my good buddies on NB... That ought to go over well!



Tire pressure will be a factor to deal with, stay out of the water at the burnout box and drop your pressure in the rear tire and you will get better grip at takeoff


buy an old Suzuki 500 Titan
hold at 5000rpm
let go of cluthc lever
go like hell
shift when it stops going forward
no talent or finesse needed


lol you dont want much more grip. leave on the last amber light.Find out where the rev limit is shift just before you get there.Speed shit it as fast as you can ,pin the throttle open once you get it out the hole.tuck in tight so you wont pull much air.It should run mid to high 13s maybe.


Street Tracker
I'll be ecstatic if I run 13's! :up:

Wonder if dropping from an 18t to a 17t front sprocket will help any?

It's going to be a few months before this happens. Too danged cold to spend much time on a bike at the moment... I was skiing this morning. Fun, but not riding weather!

I haven't ridden the Scram hard since swapping the stock pipes for NH's, and the local dyno-tune guru hasn't worked his magic yet - it will be interesting to me to see if the power has really pumped up, or if it just sounds better. It already sounds much, much better! The poor thing never has had any suds once the revs climb though... BTW - the Scram has already dropped 12 pounds since October, the payload is down from 232 to 220, and still falling...

Thanks for the info - when I work up the nerve to try it I'll let you know - might take a second or so off the E.T. though - this is the internet after all. You should hear my fishing stories! ;)


Hard to say on the gear your a big guy .The 17 might help.The scram motor wont pull to hard in upper rpms so its a trade off i guess.


speed shit...that's what you do when you come off the line and go sideways..


I'm trying to figure out how that will help at the track...:lol3:

Just before the amber light... you drop trou and point yer ass right in your
competitors lane, just in front of their bike... then let 'er rip. Binging on
food & drink the night before might help - good luck!


Leathers, jacket, pants, gloves and a full face. Remember you are getting into something you have never done before. Even pros can loose it on the line and a high speed get off onto asphalt without leathers can really ruin your year. Have fun and good luck.


Two Stroke
lSpeed shit it as fast as you can , :mad2:eek:nce you get it out the hole.:eeek:tuck in tight so you wont pull much air.:hurt:

Advise for surviving Montezuma's revenge belongs in the "Mexico" thread.:rtfr:

I crack myself up sometimes.