Jumper' s knee


Street Tracker
Hey Sal,

If it were me I'd see a physical therapist first. Just check to see if there is a muscular imbalance or flexibility issue. Some simple exercises and stretching always fix the problem for me.

Rest and ice are always in order for this. Go easy on the "Vitamin I" a little goes a long way. NSAIDs will give temporary relief, but they are not a cure.

Another option is see if someone in your area is certified in Active Release Technique therapy. It's like deep tissue massage for connective tissue, and really aids healing in my experience. Hurts like Hell when they are doing it, but always get me right as rain in about 4-6 weeks.

I do a lot of triathlon, and I frequently get all sorts of connective tissue issues. Mostly because I tend to up my running mileage too fast, or start riding too hard on the bike too early in the season. I use both options above, and have always had great results.

Cutting should be a last resort. I've been a competitive runner, swimmer, cyclist, triathlete since 1971 (started swimming when I was 6), and have avoided the knife so far. If surgery is needed then it's needed, but explore all less invasive options first.

Hope that helps. Keep us posted, and good luck!
