I'm in!


American Infidel
It will be refreshing to start over. Looking forward to hanging out with you fellas in an adult community.


NBR founder
If ya'll see something you want changed or added, just shoot me a PM or throw a post up in the website suggestion area. If enough people want it, I probably wont see a problem with adding it to the site.

We have plenty of bandwitdh and until we get on some kind of United Nations Terrorist Watch List ... the sky is the limit.


Hedge, great meeting you up at BTB. Hope to run into you again soon. In the meantime, hope your op goes well. Good luck!


American Infidel
Hedge, great meeting you up at BTB. Hope to run into you again soon. In the meantime, hope your op goes well. Good luck!

The Rotator Cuff is set for tomorrow. I arrive at 0800 and I'm wheels up at at 1000. Out by 1400 in a sling. I'm supposedly out of my sling the next day and begin Physical Therapy on Tuesday and Friday. I hope to have my shoulder strong enough to ride to Rhinebeck the following Saturday but if it isn't in the cards I can accept that and work harder at a faster recovery. I will do the right shoulder in December.
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TT Racer
The Rotator Cuff is set for tomorrow. I arrive at 0800 and I'm wheels up at at 1000. Out by 1400 in a sling with a script of forty 10/325 Percocets. I am going to be much more careful than the last time with my right foot when I caught a small habit with the Diludid. I'm supposedly out of my sling the next day and begin Physical Therapy on Tuesday and Friday. I hope to have my shoulder strong enough to ride to Rhinebeck the following Saturday but if it isn't in the cards I can accept that and work harder at a faster recovery. I will do the right shoulder in December.

you just need to give it up and go full on Robocop, old man!



American Infidel
One more in December after the riding season is over then I covered my whole 2008 Physical hit list. Just got the Crown put back on this morning so that wraps up the Dental part of my 2008 Service Contract. :)

Fr. Joe 07T100

Street Tracker
Thanks for the Invite hedge. I'm not sure what Adult means though, should I stay at the other site?

But maybe this sight needs a chaplain! I know the local hunting camps do! lol


Two Stroke
Wow, new forum. Hi folks. This feels like being in class when the teacher's off with diarrhoea ('diarrhea' or 'diahorrea' stateside). Having not posted anything, my status here seems to be moped driver. I'm also wondering whether I can say shit without being hit with a ruler....or knob....I'll keep it tentative for now....


Two Stroke
F....F....F....wait a minute...A.....A....I can't say it. It's the elephant and the twig...

By the way, how the fuck do I get the word 'mope head' off from under my username. I feel like a real asshole...and don't tell me I need to get up to 50 posts to achieve Lord of Darkness status around here...
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