I'm a Bad Man


Street Tracker
I was just in Ireland working for a week. While there my contact and I went out for a ride Him on his 1200GS me on a Fireblade. I'm not big on sport bikes, but that thing is stupid fun. Until I got caught by the Guarda going 210km/hr. Luckily all is well and I am not in Jail.


Better there than here at least it wont go on your insurance.
So did you pay the fine on the spot? How does it work in Ireland?


Street Tracker
No Ticket or fine .My contact was able to talk the Garda into letting me go with the promise that I would never drive in Ireland again :lol3:


Street Tracker
What's the Fireblade called in the US? Is that the v-twin or 4 cyl? I've got a Super Hawk, which is the v-twin, but can't remember if it's a Fireblade or Firestorm. Whatever, it's fun!


Street Tracker
I once heard from someone that if he owned Hell and Texas, he would live in Hell and rent Texas.
I won't

Screw you guys! Don't mess with Texas!

You can have Texas (at least Huston). I was there last August. 100 degrees and 98% humidity. Couldn't leave quick enough. Must admit, there was some nice scenery there and the people were great. How do they stand that weather though.:d


Yeah, I'm a bad man too. I stayed up way past midnight one night last week. That's the crazy kinda guy I am. :headbang2:
You can have Texas (at least Huston). I was there last August. 100 degrees and 98% humidity. Couldn't leave quick enough. Must admit, there was some nice scenery there and the people were great. How do they stand that weather though.:d

yeah Houston sucks bigtime in the summer. I used to work downtown at a lawfirm in Houston when I was first out of highschool. Lawyers would wear suits and walk to court across downtown. I couldn't believe it. I was sweating my ass off in a T shirt.