I turn 30 in 4 days


Sweatmachine.......for some reason I remember my 30th vividly...... 40...50...for some reason ok but not like my 30th ...and now ....I'm 59 and in June I'm 60........Enjoy every minute.....I know this sounds so BSSSS....but it goes by very fast. Focus...go for your dreams.......


NBR founder
Find a real Doctor, you've reached the age of a hypochondriac and you no longer fit on your pediatrician's examination table.

Sal Paradise

Happy birthday kid. I never thought much of 30. I was married with a mortgage, 3 little kids and 2+ jobs when I was 30 so I didn't even stop to notice. I cut firewood all summer and my truck would never pass inspection. My job got downsized and I had to quit or take a pay cut. My wife was so busy with the kids, I hardly ever got laid. The young people at the office stopped asking me if I was going to happy hour.

30 is what it is but 40 is a whole lot better. Its like 30 but with more money and time off. Enjoy.