I have Landed!


American Infidel
Fellas - I am happy to announce that I have landed a huge IT position with a global company, which I plan on riding into retirement. As most of you know I have been unemployed and generously packaged out since June 4th. I was paid severance up until the end of December so aside from the anxiety of finding a job I have had a great 7 months off of work and spent quality time with my boy Cyrus! I got to sit back and reflect upon my life and re-evaluate where I came from, where I went, and where I'm going now. I have made some mistakes but I'm now in a position to learn from them and not repeat them.
I have to say that if any of you have recently lost your job, have faith in God that he hasn't brought you all this way to dump you in the trash now; he could have done this a long time ago. But Faith alone did not land me this opportunity of a lifetime; I had to do the work to get it. This interview went 5 months before it fulfilled so I have to say that I have no complaints about the wait, aside from the anxiety of waiting to hear the official word. I am still a standing member of the Triumph Bonneville Club and am glad that, although times seemed grim, I didn't sell the Bonneville or any other toys.
I'll be checking in from time to time to say hello and check out what's what but nothing like the presence that I had in the past.
Your bud John aka Hedge :)


Way to go Hedge! I'm employed but looking. Good to know there's still some work out there in IT.
Good stuff Hedge and ATB for a successful ride to retirement. Don't forget your buds here or let it get too corporate that you don't have time to ride!


Pikey (former IT whore)


Congrats... landing something like that in this economy... is just damned outstanding.
You'll be one of the best IT managers you're new bosses have ever hired... may the new gig take you as far as you need or want to go. Remember to be patient with your keepers... your mind is probably working somewhat faster than theirs :D

Cheers & congrats to a one-in-a-million Triumph brotha - HEDGE!


TT Racer
Congratulations on the new job John. It truly is a great feeling to land a job you've been working hard to get for so long.


American Infidel
Thanks everyone - it is good to be employed again. I appreciate all the kind words when I posted about my job loss and my new job now!


Fuck yea Hedge! Glad to hear you've landed and secured some work! We're all glad you never sold the bonnie! We'll be here when you decide to check in mate, many happy returns to the missus, cyrus and you! Be lucky!


TT Racer
Good for you, John! I'm back on the job hunt myself...glad to hear you finally landed! Gives me hope!