hows everybodys week going.


TT Racer
I've tried wearing safety goggles which I find impair my ability to detect nuances of color so critical to the perfect roast I don't know if it's the glare or the steam from my sweaty head or what, I just don't like 'em. I think I just learned to like 'em.

Protect your eyes...just ask they guy who has one.

3M has some great safety items...want some samples?



Cafe Racer
She's only 2 , We had a pretty good time. Its was our first "birthday party" were I think she sorta knew what was happeing. lol

My boy turned two a little while back...we had a blast with it. The wife baked him a cake and we agreed that it was rules! We brought it out singing happy birthday, put it in front of him and let him dive right into the sucker. He started going hand after hand shoveling it in...then the sugar rush kicked in! He felt the surge and started pumping his hands up and down, caking flying everywhere :D I found one of those old style Evel Kneivel toys with Evel on the Sporty that you put in the cradle and wind the hell out of it...let it rip across the family room and chip every piece of furniture in sight. I don't know who had more fun :D


Street Tracker
My boy turned two a little while back...we had a blast with it. The wife baked him a cake and we agreed that it was rules! We brought it out singing happy birthday, put it in front of him and let him dive right into the sucker. He started going hand after hand shoveling it in...then the sugar rush kicked in! He felt the surge and started pumping his hands up and down, caking flying everywhere :D I found one of those old style Evel Kneivel toys with Evel on the Sporty that you put in the cradle and wind the hell out of it...let it rip across the family room and chip every piece of furniture in sight. I don't know who had more fun :D

I know that's kinda what we did on chistmas last year, I let her go with the inlaws and I had more fun watching her, rip open presents and running in circles from all the people. Yep , kids sure open your eyes to another view on the world. cheers mate.


I'm getting settled into my new digs in AZ. Got my license yesterday. Tomorrow hopefully get the truck and bike inspected and registered. It's weird coming back after over 20 years. I recognize the street names but not the places.


Glad to hear you're getting settled in, Bret. I hear the licenses, plates, etc. are a bit costly in AZ? Hope all the dust is settlin' back in Carolina, eh?


Just in time for the 115-degree heat! My ancestors who settled Arizona described it as being like air blown over a hot stove.


I rode to get my bike inspected/registered yesterday. It was like riding in a freakin' blast furnace! It was actually painful on my arms. Fortunately I had my gangsta rag tied around my face.


Burned up my trusty old '76 Lincoln welding machine today on the 39th joint of 500 wall 30'' pipe today:cya: Gonna borrow a friends Miller PipePro tommorow and he swears Ill want to buy it.