How many miles do you have on your bike?


Cafe Racer
I have put 12,000 miles on my '07 in nine months and probably will hit 24,000 before I am out of here Sept 13. I am running Hokkaido again this year at the end of August and next year I am making the pilgrimage and hucking all the way down to Hiroshima. I don't think it's too bad seeing that the base shuts down all motorcycle riding for three months out of the year. Fuck it...these bikes were made to ride!


Street Tracker
07 America with a bit over 33k on the odometer... its been a slow couple of years for riding.


Street Tracker
just over 24k on my 06. rode it much more the 1st couple yrs. have other bikes the last couple yrs that fight for their turn on the road.


approx. 3,200 kilometers on my 09 it a couple of months back with 700.........

make that 3400 the Duc is pissed
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