HF bike table lifts

Cereal KLR

Two Stroke
I had one for years, built several Harleys on it. Never had a problem with it and would not hesitate to recommend one. Mine was the manual foot pump model not air over so cannot comment on that one. Nice to be able to roll a project against a wall when done for the day.

The $299.99 coupons show up in Popular Mechanics and many bike mags of you can wait a bit.


Street Tracker
I believe its the same one KLR. This one is manual foot pump as well. Everyone that I know that has one loves it. As much as I hate buying chinese crap a deal that good is hard to pass up.


Street Tracker
I concur. These are great lifts, and the price is definitely right. I've had mine for years with zero issues.


I'd buy one for $300 but only if I could pick it up at the local store, instead of having to pay another $100 for it to be delivered.


Got mine four years ago; traded it for a GPS. It's worked fine, and is currently in use holding the Tiger 800 while it's being prepped for next summer's trip to Alaska, etc. For the money, it was impossible to beat.