Heat Shield Question

Anyone else lose one (or more) of the rubber "isolation" pieces that locate the rear of the middle heat shield(s)? Found my upper missing today, not quite 600 miles on the bike so I am wondering if it is common and I should obtain multiple "spares" or perhaps mine just wasn't installed right in Thailand and it won't happen again. It will be an easy enough fix once the dealership reopens on Tuesday, provided they actually stock them. Until then electrical tape looks like it will do the job for a while.



Two Stroke
yep, mine was missing as well. I couldnt wait for the original part and made one from a piece of hard rubber sized to fit. I actually think it was missing from the assembly.
Tape is still ....

300 miles and the tape is still working fine. I should get a couple and figure out what will work to glue them permanently in place. Don't have any idea whether that tab that they mount on gets hot from the pipes.



Street Tracker
Bumpin' this one up. I'm apparently missing these now - the middle heat shield has developed a movement/rattle it shouldn't have. Has anyone got replacements from Triumph? Part #'s? Cost?


Street Tracker
Look on bike bandit. You should be able to order from them.

Got it. Thanks. At $1.65 each and $8.00 shipping, I'll rough it until I can get to a dealer. I wrapped the post with electrical tape and got a decent fit for the time being - at least there's no rattle.
My tape actually lasted for quite a while, from 2009 until I noticed the sheild loose last summer (2012).
I never did go back to the dealer and get spares, maybe this time I should.
