Greetings from central Oregon


Slobinski here, proud owner of the only T100 in the throbbing metropolis of Powell Butte, Oregon. Brought her home in February, and was finally riding in mid-March (snow and ice pucker factor).

Have accumulated a mere 3600 miles so far, but have already changed to Tourances, 19 tooth countershaft sprocket, stiffer fork springs, etc.

I've taken this bike camping many times over the summer and just completed a five-day trip through the eastern side of Oregon. I've been riding dual-sport and street bikes for more than thirty years, and absolutely enjoy this motorcycle!

Hope to see you on the road.


Lucky you, welcome!!! I want a 5 day bike trip through somewhere like that. . .Fucking boring ass houston! Ah well keep the rubber side down man! Enjoy!


Two Stroke
Welcome slobinski!
Yeah, lucky you: a forecast for a sunny day and a high of 57 degrees F for Wednesday in Powell Butte. You gonna go riding?



Riding this afternoon? Sure. Meet you at the gas station. Uh...wait. If you left Sweden extra early this morning...


Hey Slob. Went camping off the back of my bike this summer too. Never camped off a bike before and I like it. Ride with awareness!