Givi A34 + D45


Street Tracker
I installed the tall Givi today. Mounting it was a bit of a pain as the mount kit (D45) is a one size fits most but it's a good heavy windscreen with four robust mount points all of which are adjustable pitch, roll and yaw. I don't care for the worm clamps used to mount the lower mounts to the fork tubes but the kit includes rubber surrounds in an attempt to help avoid scratching. It took about an hour and a half to hang and do the initial adjustment. The time was mainly due to fiddling with the adjustment, something you have to guess on. I'd imagine I could take it off the bike in about 5 minutes or so. The test ride was good. The screen works just fine and the height is enough to do a good job. It'll take a few more rides and tweaking the height and angle to dial it in to be precisely how I want but with all the adjustability I don't forsee that being an issue.

Styling wise, well, lets just say it's neither svelte nor sexy but at least it's not too garish. The price was very reasonable when compared to stock. I paid $135.00 for the kit, the price including shipping and a free t-shirt

Here's Norman Hyde with his:

An off angle riders view:


and the kit:
