

Get the Thruxton out of the garage on Friday. . . Sunday I sprain (or fracture--we'll see what an x-ray says) my left wrist playing rec-league soccer. I hadn't even gotten all my new bits installed yet.



Get the Thruxton out of the garage on Friday. . . Sunday I sprain (or fracture--we'll see what an x-ray says) my left wrist playing rec-league soccer. I hadn't even gotten all my new bits installed yet.


Bad timing on that. Just when the weather is turning nice. Maybe it's time to cowboy up. LOL
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Now you see the kind of bad things that happen to people who do all of this dangerous "physical exercise?"

I look a little smarter now, don't I?


How the fuck do you hurt your wrist playing football...unless your a goalie, I'm calling "handball".

Sucks that you got hurt at the start of riding season. GWS.


a) i call it football too but it confuses people that don't follow it in the US. . . so, unless i'm talking to someone i know that follows it, but for the record, the name soccer came from the UK, too (it predates calling it football). y'know just for the record.

b) anyway, the injury (wrist sprain) was sustained playing indoor. . . chasing a through-ball to the touchline to cross it in and didn't leave myself enough room to stop. . . stepped off the turf onto pained concrete in boots and my legs went out. i landed on my wrist and got my bell rung clattering into a the cinder block wall that was six feet from the end of the turf.

here's the rub. . . we were down a couple goals already and no one had followed my run, so there was no one there to receive the cross and tap it in. bollocks.
Count yourself lucky. I've got a plate and 12 pins in my right wrist from playing soccer. Went up for a header, got bumped sideways, landed full weight on my hand. That was indoor also. Tore my ACL on the same indoor field. I don't play sports indoor anymore.

Hope it's just a sprain so you can be back on 2 wheels ASAP.


thanks, yeah, what kills me (other than the fact that it was useless to chase that ball down) is that i have indoor boots that have rubber soles. . . i suspect i wouldn't have had the same fall if i'd had those on rather than the regular ones with big plastic molded cleats.

anyway. . . moving on. . .


Strangely, in Northern Ireland and Scotland it's called football. It's the English who, within the U.K., predominantly call it soccer. The Welsh call it Rugby. :wave:


Street Tracker
Sorry guys but we Welsh play rugby, but football, soccer, whatever is a different game. Rugby we use our hands to pass and carry the ball, and we also kick.



Street Tracker
I loved the simpson version of soccer/football with the difference in the commentating of Europeans and the Americans


Street Tracker
Try explaining cricket to those from north America...

You know it's odd, but even though a test match may go for 5 days it never gets as boring as baseball.