Fractured Radial Head from bicycle accident


Hi all. :stupid2:

I'm off for a while so gonna be posting up here a bit more.

I was cycling my bicycle into work yesterday when I forgot i was wearing the shoes that clip into the pedals. The traffic lights were red and i came to a complete stop. I'm in the habit of keeping my feet on the pedals/pegs until I come to a complete stop. I had only bought the pedals 2 days previous and was wearing them for the third time. Anyway, when I came to a complete stop I couldnt get my shoes out of the pedals. It was like slow motion, the bike just fell over with me attached to it and i landed on the footpath.

It was so embarrassing that I just got up, brushed myself off and continued riding the last 600m to work. When I got in I went to take a shower. I couldn't lift my left arm at all, there was no power and i couldn't straighten my arm either.

I went to my GP who gave me a referral to get x-rays taken. X-rays showed a fractured radial head in my left arm (i could have told them that without x-rays, the pain was so great). I was sent down to the dreaded A&E dept to be cured. I couldn't believe how quick I was seen. I was in and out of A&E in 15 minutes. I think the referral had a lot to do with this. There was loads of people ahead of me in the cue but honestly some people come to A&E for a headache. I was given a collar & cuff with no cast. The specialist will know more on Thursday about how much damage i have done.

The reason I am saying all this is because if I had done the same off a motorcycle I would have been grand as i wear ATGATT.

Bicycles are dangerous things especially with those pedals fitted and 40 sets of traffic lights along the 12.5km journey into work. Luckily I have a great employer and personal injury insurance to soften the blow.

For all those jeans and t-shirt riders i recommend getting some with a bit of protection with kevlar or covec lining and knee, elbow & back protection. It's not worth the pain.

Stay safe......



Cafe Racer
Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you heel up quick. I am an avid mountain biker and know that clipless pedals can be a bitch getting used to at first. I think all of us have had the stop sign experience when first learning how to use them. Remember...heel pops out...not back when you have those things on!


Street Tracker
May be Training wheels until you are use to the booties, don't worry I did the same thing on my motor bike but I fell right and over the centre line (Oztraillior) so lucky for me there was no on coming traffic old mate behind me me had to come and lift the bike off of me because I could not get up lucky he was a work mate (I am not so sure now because he reminds me of it every time we see each other)