Forget "new chapter" this is a new book


Thx Sal.....this is such a close knit group most whom have never met face to face. We have sold our house. Retired ALLLLLLLLL debts, maintained credit, put some reasonable money in the bank, started some college accounts for the girls and rented a great house for a sweat heart rate from a client of mine. He can't sell in this market and it is a 3rd use for him. it is a mile from our old home. I got pissed over the past 5 years paying 10k a year in property taxes only to watch all the T dollars get frittered away. 2k insurance 4k maintenance a year. So we are circling the wagons.......renting watching the market, saving money instead of bleeding. Will probably rent until girls are in college then look at what to do. Bonus is a 2.5 space garage and a big bike work shop ;-)))))
All is good....


You must have had some kind of really nice shack as I read "Marin County collects the highest property tax in California, levying an average of $4,974.00 "

Mark......I don't live in Marin County. I am not going to discuss counties and taxes......


Yes sorry didn't mean to imply you lived there, just that you were paying double what the average guy in the highest taxed county was............which led me to believe you had a nice house is all
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Yep it was a nice house. We are moved into new place as of a hour ago. we are exhausted. My wife and I were lying on the living room carpet floor and I said I am to fucking old to do do this shit.........if we ever have to move again I will burn the house to the ground all new and have it DELIVERED.


Street Tracker
Just got off Skyping Sal who told me about your predicament. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with NBR posts recently and I wasn't aware. Told Clare and she asked me to pass on her best wishes to you, Deb and the girls. Ditto from me. I will email you tonight.
Don't let the turkeys get you down.


Just got off Skyping Sal who told me about your predicament. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with NBR posts recently and I wasn't aware. Told Clare and she asked me to pass on her best wishes to you, Deb and the girls. Ditto from me. I will email you tonight.
Don't let the turkeys get you down.

Thx to you and Clare....lets get in touch via email.....all is good my friend.



I admire your courageous attitude.

As a side note, Texas property taxes are some of the highest in the country, especially in urban areas, but that's a different discussion.

Good luck- Esteban


Sorry for chiming in so late--I haven't been keeping up due to the lack of a bonnie in my life. . . something I hope to rectify this weekend with a CT road trip.

Man, your attitude is so inspirational. change can be so scary which is why (at least in my life) it's often been a result of something out of my control. . . change is also like taking a hot shower and washing away a lot of funk you probably didn't even know was there. It looks like Chapter 1 is wrapping up.


Thx NB......all is good.....settled into new house. Had a nice coast ride the other day. Family healthy.....not sure about my mental stability.....;-)))
Get the Bonne......