Excellent X-country travelogue!


Not mine, a guy named nygumbo[?]. I was on Brand X, TRN, looking for something and I saw a coast to coast report in the trip section. A young guy, very new to riding, bought a new Bonneville and did a cross country and back, racking up ten thousand miles. Really GREAT photos and narrative. If you have twenty minutes or so, it is well worth a look. It is the kind of trip that most of us, if we have not already, would love to take.


Street Tracker
You can go direct to his blogsite here http://mybonnie.wordpress.com/

Excellent narrative accompanied by extraordinary pix.
Shows the majesty and beauty of a great country from a Bonnie perspective!

Well worth the time to read, dream & marvel. :rock:


Two Stroke
Thanks David. That blog shows just what a beautiful country you all live in over that side of the water.


Two Stroke
I checked it out a few days ago....very cool.

If that doesnt make you want to go for a ride nothing will :rock: