Enfield Bullet


Uh, would a fat man be nuts for buying this for kicks.


Street Tracker
I recently spoke with an owner who was small enough for a 500cc, and he told me it was a 65mph bike. But it's so damn cool, who cares! It would be great for around town!


Lets see: 4speed, kick start only with right hand shift conversion, sprung solo seat, rear fender rack, performance exhaust.

Nuts if you dont buy it. I was nuts when I sold one like it 2 years ago.



Street Tracker
I recently spoke to a guy who had one "in his collection" and sold it because he said the ride was very uncomfortable. It definitely looks very very cool but see if you can test ride it before you decide to write the check.


Fuck it, buy the damn thing if you still have the bonnie as well. It'd be nice to have to blast around town.

Sal Paradise

They look awesome, but having a slow bike is worse than you know. I have a slow Suzuki so i know. It looks cool but it would have to be really cheap.
I'm not a big fan of RE's. Actually, I don't really like them at all. Personally I'd spend the money on something else. Anything else.



I am curious, why do people say "buy it' - are these bikes really fun or is it just the looks?

I can only speak for myself Sal, but I just like the looks of them, they are funky and look "British" or "Old timey" to me, they really haven't been changed a whole lot from the start and still retain that "cool" look that I prefer over, say, a squid.
Mechanically they are pretty much a POS but Enfield is trying valiantly to correct that perception by going back over them and rectifying engineering screw ups.
They do find favor in third world countries and old ones can be found still running with band aid fixes all around.
I would'nt buy one with the idea of using it daily but more to have another funky looking ride to putt putt around on weekends to Starbucks (well, McDonalds though) or just to enjoy the breeze in my teeth now and then.
There was one for sale nearby a few months ago but the guy was waaayyy too proud of it and wanted top dollar so I didn't get that one but if one happened to be available at a good $, i'd snap it up and have something else to play with.....