Dudes and Dudettes!


Two Stroke
Having been vanquished from the heathen world of post-nazi heaven I have risen, once again, from the ashes....still sporting the Thrux but with flatslides and some additional horsepower.

Glad to see all of this...it is most seriously deranged as it should be.


Street Tracker
Welcome! Bienvenido!

Nice to have you join us here! So far I like this place.

Ton Up!


American Infidel
Ya can knock a guy down but he will get up and come back at some point and I'm glad your here! Post up some pix of that Thrux! :)


Two Stroke

Long Time, I'm the RAT formerly known as CynCrzy!

See you've relocated too. Good to have another Left Coaster here, we're kinda outnumbered!