Drinking on the forum

I use this forum to relax and also for tech tips and being a Bonnie rider, the main bits I hit are the Bonnie thread and this one.

When I am online, I hit many times a day but my favourite time is late at night and after I have had a few. I treat this place as a virtual pub. If I'm in the country of my birth, I would drink Tanglefoot (http://www.tanglefoot.co.uk/)

Now I am here, I drink rum & coke, or Leo Beer


What's your tipple of choice whilst bouncing around NBR and why?




Well as a good Canadian Lad......

A fine Rye and Ginger or and ice cold Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale...... (or a couple shots of Tequila if it was a particlarly rough day)


TT Racer
Hate to admit it, but it's just a few glasses of wine. Used to be beer, any kind and any amount, and as I got wiser (OLDER) I couldn't bounce back from those late nights anymore. Now I get a little buzz on :crazy: and I'm good to go the next day.


Two Stroke

A bit of home made wine, or our own designed margarita-3-4 shots tequila, 2 oranges juiced, 2 Tbs. agave syrup. and 2 small limes blended up rinds included. Makes two drinks.
Anything by Sierra Nevada. Also my fridge is usually stocked with Coors Light as a default go-to budget brew.

I also drink about a gallon of Topo Chico mineral water a day. It's great with lime.


Street Tracker
Whiskey sour, sometimes on the rocks or neat depending on the kind. Red wine if I'm kicking back with the wife. For beer it depends on the mood but mainly Stouts, Tripel's and Ale's. Rolling Rock is my goto beer for the fridge.

Hell I just like to drink, in moderation of course and not driving.


Street Tracker
3 fingers of bourbon. or beer. anything from a pilsner to a porter dependin on what i'm in the mood for that day.


Street Tracker
Once every week or so 3 fingers of Johnny Walker Black w/ 3 cubes of ice. No more, no less. Always the same. Sipped over the course of an hour. Why? I simply love the stuff and over time I've found this amount to be safe yet satisfying. No hangovers, ever. It's a great blended whiskey with just the right amount of smokiness and I find it to be neither too sweet nor too harsh. Perfect.


TT Racer
Have a sixer of Newcastle and a sixer of Rolling Rock in the fridge as well as a bottle of 21 year old Glen Livet. It's good to be back in the states where I can have a drink.


miller genuine draft or what ever good stuff is on sale on the local outlet. jack n coke on the week ends. what ever $3.00 to $5.00 wine goes with dinner. or water or what ever i feel like including that good green stuff the dude drinks

kinky stunt

Street Tracker
I've been enjoying the Michelada lately. I make mine with Anchor Steam or Lagunitas IPA.

cold pint glass rimmed with Kosher salt
a beer
spalsh tomato juice
squeeze lime
dash Worchestershire
dash and a half Tobasco
ground black pepper
garnish w/ pickled green bean and lime wedge

I make a mess in the kitchen and the Warden don't like it, but it is damn tasty.


Some fine homebrew from the kegerator. Finishing off the pale ale with a ginger beer and a porter in progress.