custom aged modern bike

Yeah, I have a project in mind to use a modern Triumph and create a vintage looking military bike - stretched, equal big tires... LC Fab projects are good models for it. Might use their hard tail back-half frame they have for sale to build upon. Bought their wiring for modern Triumph to project conversion to study and use if it comes to that. Looking for wrecked bike with good engine/tranny to start from.

By the way, anyone have idea where to look for wrecked Triumphs from insurance auctions, etc...? I've tried to catch people who posted about accidents and wrecked bikes but seems insurance is keeping them all...



you will have to check with adjusters in your area. out here most are going to auction. you might also try a motorcycle wrecking yard.


That bike keep appearing in thread after thread, forum after forum... and it's no
surprise, really, because it's so far beyond cool... it's sublime... functional mechanical motorcycle art of the highest order. The damn thing is beyond superlatives. IMO, Jeremy Cupp is an incredibly gifted creative mechanical genius.