Cruise control.


Okay, I'm thinking that I'll need a cruise control or something of the sort for my long long ride in august, anyone have suggestions or reviews?


Good deal, I'm gonna grab one, don't want anything permanent. Just something for this trip and to make the long haul easier.


I've bought the cramp buster just before I went from Dallas to Austin for ROT Rally a couple weeks ago. It works for what it is, let's you rest your palm on it and stretch your hand out. Plus you can easily twist it out of the way, or move it around for better position. Worth the 11 bucks.


Street Tracker
OK, I tried a Cramp Buster on my 04 Thruxton with Clip-Ons... Put it on at the store, and 36 miles later when I got home it came off and never went back on again. It was uncomfortable for me, as I'd lean into a turn it would cause me to roll onto the throttle. I use one of the Go Cruise Throttle Controls, BEST $20 I've spent on my bike in years!!! Very simple to use, won't keep the RPM at the same spot forever, but long enough to adjust your clothing, warm your hands on the top of the engine, stretch, whatever and keeps you from having a death grip on the bars... Highly recommended.