creeping decrepitude


Yabbut...whaddya do for a livin'?

I sit at a desk all day working on computers. :D And that is why I have to work out or I would turn into a tub of lard.

Depends on what you did in your youth...the more damage done early on, the more aches later on. Resistence training is great, but I hope you're being smart about it and wrapping your knees/using a belt. My right knee is about shot now from years of aggressive squat rack/dead lift work w/o the proper precautions. At 49, you should also be in the 'maintenance mode' and not trying to achieve new personal bests!

My aches have increased significantly in the past year or so (at age 52)...this coincides with moving from a modern house to a midcentury home needing tons of TLC. I don't have nailers and such, so most things are done old school w/ lots of impact to my elbows and wrists...this is where I'm suffering the most. Also my knees, hips, and low back are feeling it from all the lifting/toting/etc. associated with installing new windows, renovating doors, installing flooring, landscaping, yadda-yadda, blah-blah...oh, and moving everything I own. Yeah, this shit was a *lot* easier in my 30s/early 40s...

Wah. I'm still on the right side of the grass, can ride my thrux, sail, get it up, and lay it down. Lots more to be grateful for than to complain about...and when I do need to cry in my beer, it can now be a quality IPA instead of that crappy big production brewery stuff we had in the past. Its all good.



"Maintenance mode"?? LOL! You are killing me Rich! :lol: Working out is what is keeping me in good shape. Been doing this for years, so it's not something new. It is also my stress buster.

And I like your style and attitude Rich.

Muskegon has a couple sweet new micro-breweries. If you are ever in Muskegon, let me know and we can toast some pints. :beer:


I wrestled and played football in high school. I was the center so did some long snapping. Was coached to snap the ball and "grab grass". My hands got stepped on quite a bit.

But wrestling was the sport where you have no break and have to go 100% all the time. I was exhausted down to the bone after each match. Much more physically demanding than football. It was agony and exstacy (sp) all rolled up in one.

Thank heavens you can recover in your wasted youth. Not so much for me nowadays.


My college hockey injuries are haunting me now.
BTW…..what was that great wrestling movie with Matthew Modine I think?