Classic motorcycle commercial


Street Tracker
Good stuff. I like how he hands his feeler stick over to the salesperson with authority....."This is THE one".


Now that I've seen that one, which, by the way, was funnier than shit, I've come to realize that all harley drivers should be required to ride that way....
Don't know about you guys but back in the day we required a chase vehicle to pick up parts and bikes and carry tools and, if they were on a trailer...that bullshit would stop....and the wifeys could drive the tow vehicle...what a deal!!!
I'll treat you to a story....back in that day...we had a guy named Butch Stromski, a 400+ pound beer guzzling Wisconsin redneck who stole bikes for a living and ran a chop shop.
When Butch would get a couple six pacs under his belt and we were riding...he would forget to put his foot/feet down when he came to a stop. It was as regular as clockwork, something you could count on each and every time Butch rode. It got so bad that we would assign any new guys to ride behind Butch and do the routine.
The routine was, Butch would pull up to a stop, look around and poleaxe the bike and hit the ground. The couple guys following would pull up behind Butch, park their bikes, pick Butch up and get his bike started, get him on it and let him take off, get on their bikes and follow to the next stop where the routine was followed again.
As long as I rode with those guys, Butch never changed, and always fell over at stops. He was a pain in the ass but always had a part for ya.....if you needed one, and Driving a harley, you often needed one.....
That would have been years for sure...


Street Tracker
That was one fine story Koi and if I was still in college I woulda shot coke out of my nose as I read it. Now, just a little pipe tobacco smoke was all I could muster. Probably a good thing. Butch sounds like he was a character. I'm off to dream about riding tomorrow and will sack out with a big smile on my face picturing 'ol Butch tipping over at a stop sign. Classic.