Caption Contest - week of 12/08/2008


HD is proud to present their newest accessory for their bikes, Better than a do-rag. Harley presents, The mullet!! Available in all hair colors and varying lengths. Also Available for women!


While on his way to the weekly Weight Watchers meeting, Bubba suddenly had an urge for a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, supersize fries and a 124oz Pepsi!


Metaphorically speaking, our manly mullet man represents the quest for Truth and the search for the Ark of the Covenant by Knights of the Realm, armored and riding white horses while brandishing the famous sword Excaliber to insure there was peace in the world while while mankind debated on whether to hug a whale or set a tree free.


Street Tracker
paparazzi snap a pic of Rosie O'Donnell on her new hog

Looks like Rosie is at least starting to take pride in her appearance!

Somewhere on the internet is a mini-chopper forum who are pissed their main guy is getting dogged.

Ooooohh were sooo scared!! I don't think any of em' could catch us if that's the best they have!! Bring it on fat mini chopper folk!!!:fight:
Bubba on his way to the local HOG rally
I bet I'll qualify for HOG membership now.
How 'bout
Bubba takes first place at the local drags in the "harley" class
(I love Harley riders, they're so much fun)


Wait yer tern Ricky, daddy ain't dun ridin' yit!



This guy's too bad ass not be thinking;

It's the eye of the tiger
it's the cream of the fight
risin up to the challenge of our rivals
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger
