Burning HOG

Ben Quick

Street Tracker
That sucks and must have been a bit embarrassing. “Harley was a show bike probably worth $60,000.” Looks like low speeds involved. No trauma to the road other than a blazing bike. Ouch! No injuries!


NBR founder
Maybe it's just the vernaculars used, but that whole article irked the crap out of me.

"The rider changed lanes and clipped the back wheel of a motorcyclist riding with him. The bike tipped over and a small fire started. Obviously, hot fuel spilled on to the exhaust or something and the fire took off," Mr Myors said.

The bike didnt tip over, he fucking crashed the damn thing and how the hell is hot fuel any different from cold fuel when it makes contact with the exhaust or something ??

"While I was there, within half an hour I saw several people driving erratically.

"People need to slow down and act sensibly."

Holy shit ... it's called rubberneckin you fool. People were slowing down and buggin their eyes at the sight of a flipping motorcycle laying on it's side in the middle of the road - totally engulfed - while people just stood around.

How is it the news media finds the one moron in the bunch to quote? grrrr .. just another reason why I dont read or watch the news.


They always do seem to find an idiot to interview. In fact it's usually the reporter that's also an idiot. Perhaps they seek out their own kind. As far as I know hot exhaust will not ignite gas, it takes a spark, like a bike scraping down the road.


It's a story for the masses. The little old lady reading the Hobart Mercury probably wouldn't understand the fine points and probably just looks at the pictures and sez "tch. tch. such nasty things those motorbikes"...and goes on to page 15 and works the crossword.

Little old ladies are getting fewer and fewer and that's why so many newspapers in this country are in dire straits. I'm wondering what day it will be before the venerable Rocky Mountain News won't be on my driveway anymore. It's supposed to have happened last month, but didn't.

I'm on the cusp I guess. I like a newspaper, but I also like to go online for news. I take about half of it at face value though.