Brake Pedal Height Adjustment on twin-carb Bonneville

Keith Harding

Two Stroke
Good morning all from a rather cool (as in weather) Perth, Western Australia.
Small problem: I bought myself an excellent pair of off-road boots and now find that I cannot feel the gear-shift lever or rear brake pedal. I swapped over the foot-pegs and turned them upside down as recommended elsewhere in this site to give myself a little more toe-space and then moved the gear shift lever up a notch easily enough and will get used to the new boot position in time.
Has anyone adjusted their rear brake lever in a similar manner? I need to tip the lever downwards slightly. Is this even possible?


Street Tracker
goodday. yes, you can adjust the pedal height. you need to shorten the brake actuation rod that runs up to the master cylinder from the brake pedal. slacken the jam nuts (be aware that one clevis has left hand threads) and rotate the rod to shorten, retorque the jam nuts when at the correct level. BYU.

good luck,
