Bonneville T100 v Motto Guzzi V7 v Kawasaki W800 Review


I'm on record as being a big fan of the W, but not so much the Guzzi. The V7 looks like a woman with her boobs hanging out of her armpits.

Keith Harding

Two Stroke
Hey Hughesy,
I bought the mag at lunchtime and will consume the article this evening.
The weather has at last got sunny in WA - may be just my imagination but it seems my Bonneville always runs better in the warm weather.


Hey Keith....when is it not sunny in WA?
I was at work today when the sun came out (had been raining in the morning). I had a bit of a gap in the shedule, so drove home, hopped on the bike and had a 'magic moment' riding in the sun, back to work.
Sometimes it's hard to explain that to non-riders.

Keith Harding

Two Stroke
... Western Australia.
We've had unusual and strange weather for the time of year lately - rain and stuff; clearing up now and heading for the heat.
As for the Lone Ranger film, no, I'm afraid Johnny Depp is too wierd for me sometimes.
"The V7 looks like a woman with her boobs hanging out of her armpits."
Ha Ha - very good!