Bonneville Birthday Gift? make a long story short I turn 35 this week and I've been thinking it sure would be nice to treat myself to a new-to-me T100 (if I can find one for a good price)...with my wifes' blessing too! I have no road bike experience and limited dirt bike experience when I was a kid...I know they're totally different. I've got a lot of time behind the wheel of a car...I drive 132 miles daily round trip to work. I'm signed up for a motorcycle safety class in September so I have my ducks in a row at this point...

Do you guys think a Bonneville is a good first bike? I'm very conservative and don't like or need the speed of jap bikes and I'm not a Harley (gay pirate) fan at all...I want a cool old school bike so here I am...I love the look of the Bonnevilles and my dad had one as a kid that was his favorite bike. I've read quite a bit online and some sites suggest a 250cc/500cc size bike for an initial bike but the Bonneville speaks to me...I'm 6' tall, 185 and athletic...any suggestions would be appreciated...Ryan


I like Dick
Welcome to the site. Ryan....would be a perfect first bike based upon all the information you provided. I can rattle off a list of superlatives to define the bike but suffice to say you will love it and inspite of its ample power, it has a very docile nature when ridden conservatively which you will at first. After that you will appreciate the performance of the bike. :)
Since you are an athletic 6 footer, you will have no problem managing the weight which feels much lighter than it is because of its excellent balance.

The thing I implore you to do is practice, practice your riding skills. Learn to countersteer and how to brake properly and read as much about motorcycle safety as you can. There are certain tenents to riding safety that if you incorporate them, will save your bacon out on the road. If you can stay off the bike until your motorcycle training course all the better.
Best of Luck. All years are good btw and although I own an EFI bike, I would be just as happy on a carbed bike.
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Blue Haired Freak
Yep it's a fine first bike. Unless you count one summer on a Kaw 350 wa-a-a-a-y back in the 70's, my '07 is my first bike, acquired 3 years ago as part of a BDay gift to Bonnielass (she got one, I got one). 17,000 miles later, woo-hoo!!

Now, time to go channel my inner TT racer!

Ninja K

Two Stroke
Oh man, reading your post felt like reading a description of myself! I'll be turning 35 in February and a T-100 will be a gift to myself as well. I'm also taking my rider course in September and I'm 6'00 almost 185 LOL (A little over). But yeah, I've asked those same questions as well and from what I've read and the advice given here, it's the perfect bike.


Two Stroke
rwsollars & ninja k, Good luck to both of you in finding that right bike, And I would also suggest buying & wearing proper riding gear at all times.


Definitely great first and last bike. Go for it......and do the is a great experience. Send us a picture when you buy the new bike.


Sounds like you new forum guys have done your homework. Yes, the Bonnie will make a great first (and last) bike. That being said, I assume you will demo one before you buy? You'll be hooked just like the rest of us fortunate souls.

Oh, and by the way...happy birthday.
I've been riding motorcycles for 50+ years. Started on a Triumph 500cc twin. Have owned many bikes of all types and now I'm back on a Triumph twin, a 2008 Bonnie Black. It is by far the most enjoyable bike I've ever owned.

Yes it will be a great first bike and you may find it will be the only bike you will ever want to own. Just be prepared to exhibit a wide silly grin on your face while riding one:D

Remember ATGATT at all times and keep your living room* as large as possible.

*as much space between you and other traffic as possible.


Street Tracker
Don't buy a 250-500cc bike, you will just want to trade up in 6 months. Get the T-100 you won't regret it.


Go for it, advice from an old biker? get the best you can afford, you want to spend time riding it not repairing it although after saying that the majority of Triumphs seem to go to mature responsible riders.


TT Racer
Happy birthday and welcome to the forum! I'm with the other guys also. You'll love the Bonnie and should have no problems with the size of the bike.


Happy birthday! I also bought me a birthday (40) gift, (bonneville se) last year! It is not my first bike, but second. First one is BMW K1 1990. I prefer triumph in city and nearby evening rides. Bmw is for longer trips. I´m very pleased with triumph, and haven´t had a single problem with it. It is also very easy to ride, and would easy beat my bmw on small roads, where you can´t use top speeds, motorways is different thing (who wants to ride bike on motorways anyway??)
Thanks for the replies guys...I was thinking this morning the T100 is meant to be...I drive a Toyota T100 pickup with 230,000 miles on it and it hasn't missed a my Sweet T pickup needs a Triumph T100 buddy!

My good friend got this entire situation brewing for me. He's had several bikes over the years and has just bought and restored a VMAX yamaha and it has sat in his garage for about 8 months... His motorcycle endorsement dropped when he moved back to Florida about 7 years ago and being the good friend I told him I'd take the class with him for fun...then it got me thinking it would be fun to go riding with him...and here we are...

Speed3Chris and Grumpy 1944- I'm a big safety nut...I want to be able to ride the bike for years to come and don't want to be a statistic...Any safety web sites/reading you recommend? I've got my eye on a cool as shit Triumph leather jacket! I'm willing to be hot to look good here in Florida!

In all reality, I'm looking at probably a 2005-2007 there a certain mileage limit I should stay away from. I know if it is maintained that is the key but I don't want to overpay...

Last question...I've been looking on Craigslist, cycletrader and there any other spots you guys would suggest to look?

NinjaK...good luck finding yours...


Hell ya, get ya one. Started when 21 with a crappy yamaha virago? for a year, then got a sport bike three years ago. Hated the looks, but enjoyed the handling and speed. Bought a t-100 last October, at 35, and have ridden my other bike a few times, when the T was getting a checkup or oil change. I am deeply in love. The other day, jumped back on the sportbike to get it ready to sell, realized it was quicker and handled better, and decided I could care less. The t-100 is all I want to ride. Power enough for me! P.S., I am 6'3", 230, and feel like the bike is the right size for me 95% of the time.


Happy Birthday Ryan,

I have T100 for more than a year. I love it. I have 17K+ miles on clock and will keep logging more. It is fun to ride and very well balanced bike. you will love it. Be safe and take the training class and buildup your riding experience on open road and take it easy on the throttle and clutch. Hope you enjoy your new ride soon.


K Atwal.


The bonnie is a great all around bike. The bike has what I would call useable power. You can go for nice local rides, overnighters and even farther afoot if you want to. The Bonnie is an all around winner IMHO.
Happy birthday OP!!!

The Bonneville is a pretty good choice as a beginner bike that you'll want to keep.

To give you some reference, I hate driving 4 wheels and will only drive if I ABSOLUTELY have to. I probably only average about 5000 miles annually on my car...and I live far away from work. I have 2 motorcycles. A 2006 Triumph Daytona 675 and a 2007 Bonneville. Ive had my Bonneville for only 2 years...and Im already close to 30K miles on it...The Daytona Ive had for 4 years and it only has 17,500 miles.

I have too much fun on my Bonnie. The only place I haven't taken my Bonneville is the track....(which will happen one day). The Daytona 675 pretty much only sees track duty now.