Blood thinners and motorcycles


Sorry that you have had to deal with this Jeff. It is encouraging that the abdominal clot may have been responsible for some other nagging issues. Grateful to hear your procedure and recovery has gone so well. Be thankful and enjoy your summer.


Helluva health odyssey Jeff... hope it's sorted and you're on the mend soon.
Had back surgery in 2000 after being almost completely disabled and in agony for
about 6 weeks... recovery seemed looong at the time but worth it... I was 38 yrs old, and remember thinking I'm too young for this shite! 2nd opinions are always good and
there's so much info online you have that resource too... but taking it easy for
awhile sounds wise. Good thing about the Bonnie is it looks good standing still... I still
spend considerable time just sitting and appreciating, letting the creative gears turn.
Get well soon.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. It's appreciated.

Seth, back pain is the worst. I had a pinched sciatic nerve a few months ago that made me totally miserable. I couldn't walk for a week. It took 2-3 weeks of laying around and some steroid injections to get me back to normal. I feel great though. I'm glad you're better in that department.

I heard from my doc today. They told me that they think I'll be able to get off the blood thinners in about 6 months if all the tests come back alright. It's so hot here in the summers that I won't want to ride a whole lot anyway. For now, my plan is to ride a little bit (extra cautiously, of course) over the next 6 months and get fully back on the horse around the time the weather is cooling down.


Sorry about the bad news, Jeff. I think you are doing the right thing taking it easy. That "live to ride, ride to live" thing is a bunch of shit. Riding is great, but living is better! Did the doctor happen to mention any risks associated with threesomes? In light of recent news reports it may be wise to ask, just to be safe.

Take care.


After I had a series of smaller strokes and a heart attack Coumadin was one of the many drugs I was placed on until they finally got me straightened out.

After some serious rehab i started riding again , as expected against the doc's recommendation.

After some time he finally agreed that riding and the need to stay sharp may have in fact helped me recover . No Emperical data, just conversation.

If you can keep at least one motorcycle and ride when you feel good , that is the route i would take, but as always with medical conditions only you know how you feel.
Good luck !


When you are up for a real ride come cooler weather, I'll take off and come up for it man. Glad you are feelin better, seems like every time I saw you there was something or another ailing you. Let me know if you need anything man, Austin ain't far.
Thanks. I'm actually feeling great! You make me sound like a sickly bitch!

My biggest challenge now is trying to remember to take it easy.
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Hi Jeff,

I'm sorry to hear about your medical problems.

Riding while on blood thinners is an assumption of risk that not everyone is willing to accept. It is very much a personal decision. Whether you ride or not make sure you wear a Medic Alert bracelet or dog tag.

My younger brother, age 61, is on permanent Coumadin therapy for venous blood clots and has not stopped riding. I was on Coumadin for about 18 months and continued to ride. Being quite a bit older than you and having provided for our families probably influenced our decisions.

There is quite a long thread on ADV Rider concerning riding on blood thinners. Worth the read.

I'm glad you enjoyed Southern California.

Take care,


sorry to hear that sweat.. my prayers are with you and yours..
i have an uncle that has been riding his entire life, old hard core cat.. the kind who used to hold the car up while his brother changed the tire (seriously, circa 1960).. he had to put a side car on his bike to keep it upright.. and can barely ride her, but he still has her, keeps up on her maintenance and has the opportunity to ride her.. to him its his freedom and independence.. even if its just around the corner for coffee..
clear sky's and dry roads ahead for you brother..
best, tt..


Sorry to hear about all this you sickly bitch:)
Did the Doctors say anything about working out or are you supposed to just take it easy? Seems like some cardio would help the circulation. Working out might help out with the boredom too. I feel bad that you had to go through all this but Im glad to hear you are feeling better.


I have similar problems; I am very allergic to insect stings and am exposed each time I ride, but I still ride
my doctor advised that I ride quickly to a hosptial if stung.
I had to sell my Speed Triple and get an 800 Tiger because blood pressure problems caused me to black out when accelerating "briskly"
anything can be "adjusted"


Street Tracker
Yeah, Keep the bike Sweat. Sort out the health, the bonnie will wait for you and take up where it left off. No drama.

If you can't ride it, clean it, take it apart, put it together.

Scheme, plan mods. It will occupy you more than you know.

Me and my Bonnie have been through so much over the last 18months, I will never sell it now.

Yes, Sal. That's the plan for this minute. I ride the FZ1 a lot more than the Bonnie. It has hard bags, Sargeant seat, radar detector, GPS, etc. Oh and 140hp. It's just more suited to how I ride. I love the Bonnie too, but if one goes it'll be the one.
Well, a few weeks later and after lots of thinking about it, I decided to go for a ride. I hadn't ridden since some time in April. It felt like my wings had been clipped and my soul was hurting. I talked it over with my GF and she basically told me to go for it, but be careful.

After a few months of caging it, it's amazing to be back on 2 wheels. It really is the best thing ever. I rode 50 miles around Austin today and snapped this picture.
