Big Brother again


the Fed is proposing (or maybe it is already the law) that gas contain 15% ethanol and will not be suitable for vehicles built prior to 2001
your tax dollars at "work":shh:


I hope not...

My '93 Honda already runs like shit on 10% ethanol, and the bonneville lost 4-5 MPG on that stuff. Will there be another "cash for clunkers" deal for older motorcycles? Help us, please, Mister President!


hope everyone is liking their "change"

let me ask you this. how come a 1957 chevy can get 20+ mpg and weigh as much as a skool bus? i think they put so much evap, emissions, sensors, and other crap on new cars that they just run like crap
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have you seen what 10% ethanol does to the viton tips on AMAL carb needle valves?
imagine the damage 15% is going to do; will it disolve floats?


That sucks, but leave it up to the feds.....we may have to try another go around mixing agricultural gas with the new stuff to blend something worth a shit...
That's gonna suck for those older vehicles....wonder what the percentage of drivers still using pre 01's is?


its all politics: farm subsidies for the corn producing states
my F150, BSA, Triumph, BMW, even my chain saw will be affected


There is always some govt authority taking some more freedom away from us and telling us what we can and can not do. I'm tired of it. There was a time when "We the People" treasured our freedom and would defend it no matter the cost. I hope people are waking up.


xkcd to the rescue!



Two Stroke
hope everyone is liking their "change"

let me ask you this. how come a 1957 chevy can get 20+ mpg and weigh as much as a skool bus? i think they put so much evap, emissions, sensors, and other crap on new cars that they just run like crap

Either that or the folks who make money selling gasoline did everything possible to make sure cars didn't get any better mpg over the years. NOOOO not that! Now why would they go and do a thing like that? Oh yes: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Made sure congress shall pass no laws mandating higher mpg by getting the "right" people elected, made sure the auto-makers went along with it by giving them a share of the profits....Come on, people! We put a man on the moon without the help of a fucking computer & these jokers can't build a car that gets 80mpg!!??

Naw.....Couldn't be that! :eeek:


let me ask you this. how come a 1957 chevy can get 20+ mpg and weigh as much as a skool bus? i think they put so much evap, emissions, sensors, and other crap on new cars that they just run like crap

57 Chevy V8 4 door ect ect: 3269 lbs
2009 honda accord 3.5 EX 4dr Sedan: 3567 lbs

I can never figure out why everyone thinks old cars were heavy. the shit we build gets heavier every year go look at a 65 mustang compared to todays.


I have a 2004 Explorer, a 1996 Explorer, a 1997 F150, a 1978 F150, and now a 1942 Ford GPW, only one that's newer than 2000. Except the Bonnie. Looks like all my cars are Polar bear killers, and we're having the coldest winter on 30 years! I think the polar bears will be fine, it's "We the People" that are in trouble.