Big Blue!!!!!


Cafe Racer
Let's go Big Blue!!! There is a family way over here in northern Japan rooting for you!!! GO GMEN!!





Street Tracker
Well, since my saints can't stop anyone from scoring and eli is from NOLA, even though he's a douche, I'll be hoping the g men win. Good luck.

Sal Paradise

Eli Manning has gotten better and better over the years. Credit to the Giants for sticking with him longer than I would have. Now that Eli has matured into a great quarterback, - and is going up against arguably the best quarterback in the NFL - it is going to be a great game. I think the offensive lines will decide the game. The Giants line looked bad against San Fran - hope they can stand up to the Pats.


Cafe Racer
Eli Manning has gotten better and better over the years. Credit to the Giants for sticking with him longer than I would have. Now that Eli has matured into a great quarterback, - and is going up against arguably the best quarterback in the NFL - it is going to be a great game. I think the offensive lines will decide the game. The Giants line looked bad against San Fran - hope they can stand up to the Pats.

Oh Sal...I can see that we are going to have a few sit downs to discuss some important matters when I get back over a slice at Roma's! I don't think the O-line looked bad against San Fran but rather they were playing San Fran!! That defense was a monster; did you notice that not ONE open field tackle was missed during that game?! The San Fran defense was massive...more so than the Pats' defense so I think that part of it is very promising and the GMEN line is going to give Eli those two more seconds back in the pocket.

Now it's time for the B06T prediction and I know it could raise a few eyebrows but when it is all said and done and they go to close the books, then we will see that Giants have the right Manning...mark my words. Eli and all of the GMEN have already answered in '07 with all that 'they are facing the best team and best quarterback to ever grace the NFL.' The Giants have always been the underdog on the picks ever since the tied games with Dallas at the Meadowlands and this is not different. I hope the Pats' dental plan is paid up because there are going to be a whole lot of loose fillings after this game!!!

That is one very cute baby......

Thank you Sir; he is my second boy and one that I worried about all through my wife's pregnancy. My wife was carrying him when 11 March here in Northern Japan and I had her death locked at her wrist, forcing her to run with me to the high ground as I held my three year old in my other arm. Thank God the tsunami never came to the base but it came as close as 5 miles to us. Then the relief efforts, evacuation, and the feeding frenzy of Godzilla resurrecting at Fukushima...well her pregnancy was stressful to say the least and I worried like no other about how my boy would be. With that said, my boy is 5 months old, 25 pounds and 26 inches long. He is 95 percentile on his height and literally off the chart with his weight. Healthy and strong is an understatement and the Giants organization have already been contacted to inform them not to worry...we have Pierre-Paul's replacement!! :)


Two Stroke
Good looking family you have.
You'll have a nice looking wife's shoulder to cry on when the Giants climb on the bus for along sad ride home.


Cafe Racer
Good looking family you have.
You'll have a nice looking wife's shoulder to cry on when the Giants climb on the bus for along sad ride home.

Funny...we heard the same hopefully statement before. Deja-BLUE!! :lol::rock:


All I want to see is a game where if the Pats win they win by more than a cruddy field goal like their last three. I'm rooting for the Giants cuz Eli deserves to win another one after the mauling he took at San Francisco. The Giants had the football Gods with them for sure.


Cafe Racer
All I want to see is a game where if the Pats win they win by more than a cruddy field goal like their last three. I'm rooting for the Giants cuz Eli deserves to win another one after the mauling he took at San Francisco. The Giants had the football Gods with them for sure.

So much for the accusations floating around that Eli gets raddled if you put him to the ground. He was getting pummeled in San Fran and do more than just keep his composure. The GMEN are for real and I'm so sick of hearing how Brady and the Pats can walk on water...time for a repeat showing!

Lone Trumpet...a Texan rooting for the Pats??? Still sulking after sending the Cowgirls home from the Meadowlands??? I just joke; the Giants love Cowboy stadium as we are undefeated there!! :lol:
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Lone Trumpet

Street Tracker
Nope, haven't been a Cowboy fan since the best coach in football history was let go in '89.

Just because I live in Texas doesn't automatically mean I'm and inbreed Cowbow fan. :finger2:



What field Goal?

All I want to see is a game where if the Pats win they win by more than a cruddy field goal like their last three.

Pat's last 3 games;

Week 17 - Pats 49, Bills 21
Div Play Offs - Pats 45, Broncos 10
Conf Championship - Pats 23, Ravens 20(Brady's last score rushing TD)

Are you sure you have been watching football???:confused:


Cafe Racer
It was a great game! I think this game out-did the first match up in '07. Good, clean hard hitting football with very little flags thrown...can't get much better than that especially with the GMEN taking it down :D What a season!


Two Stroke
Congrats to the Giants. I was hoping the Pats would win as the Giants took out my 49'ers.

I thought it was a boring game, and even said as much to my BIL during the 3rd quarter. The ONLY long ( and only fairly long) pass was the completion to Manningham on the final drive. That was a great pass/catch. The first 3 quarters was 5 yd pass, 4 yrd run, 6 yd pass etc. by both teams.

Have the secondaries and front line pass rush become so good that qb's only have time to throw less than 10 yards downfield? Is the game plan now to just play ball-control and chip-away and dink and dunk all the way to the end zone?

I miss the days of Air-Coryelll and especially Montana slinging the ball to Rice and Taylor all over the field.
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Cafe Racer
Congrats to the Giants. I was hoping the Pats would win as the Giants took out my 49'ers.

I thought it was a boring game, and even said as much to my BIL during the 3rd quarter. The ONLY long ( and only fairly long) pass was the completion to Manningham on the final drive. That was a great pass/catch. The first 3 quarters was 5 yd pass, 4 yrd run, 6 yd pass etc. by both teams.

Have the secondaries and front line pass rush become so good that qb's only have time to throw less than 10 yards downfield? Is the game plan now to just play ball-control and chip-away and dink and dunk all the way to the end zone?

I miss the days of Air-Coryelll and especially Montana slinging the ball to Rice and Taylor all over the field.

Both defenses played a hell of a game but it was pretty much predicted that this was going to be a low scoring, hard hitting game. I love that style but that is old style football as a WR gets nervous coming across the middle downfield in fear of getting his head ripped off. I thought the Giants showed great discipline and slowly chipped away at the Pats' with the three points and then Tuck and Pierre-Paul would turn around and hold Brady and his offense. You are right though - that throw to Manningham and how he pulled it in will be in the highlight reels for years to come.


Great game to watch, at least in the 4th quarter. I'm glad the Giants won, but I'm not as invested in the NFL as I used to be. That's because I'm a Broncos fan. I did have a few conniption fits during the regular season with Tebow mania going full guns. Talk about boring games.... til the last few minutes of the game. And.... at least the Broncos hosted a playoff game which they won. Thanks to all the Steeler fans for pumping some excellent buckage in the Mile Hi's economy.

Hearty congrats to the Giants for playing a good game.