Best Color Combo For Bonnies

Nick Morey

Claret ahd Aluminum Silver with Gold pinstripe...


Milo B

Sweet Combination

Very Nice Photo at Lake Placid. Love the Color Combo. Bet it was a great ride day.


Nick Morey

Absolutely B-E-A-utiful!


Very Nice Photo at Lake Placid. Love the Color Combo. Bet it was a great ride day.


Yes, it was one of the few nice days up here to that point in time (photo was taken back in June? July?).

The weather here had been terrible then it cleared up almost a month ago, but my mom went into the hospital with lung cancer and died shortly after so I haven't done much riding lately. It's been a very depressing summer.
The weather here had been terrible then it cleared up almost a month ago, but my mom went into the hospital with lung cancer and died shortly after so I haven't done much riding lately. It's been a very depressing summer.

Nick, my sympathy to you and yours for the loss of your mum. I lost mine to lung cancer just over 2 years ago and it fucking hurts. Best get on that beautiful bike and go out for a few rides in honour of her memory.



Milo B


Yes, it was one of the few nice days up here to that point in time (photo was taken back in June? July?).

The weather here had been terrible then it cleared up almost a month ago, but my mom went into the hospital with lung cancer and died shortly after so I haven't done much riding lately. It's been a very depressing summer.

Sorry to hear about your Mom, Nick. Sometimes a good ride can give the mind and heart a break. Be well,



The weather here had been terrible then it cleared up almost a month ago, but my mom went into the hospital with lung cancer and died shortly after so I haven't done much riding lately. It's been a very depressing summer.

Nick, I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom. I lost mine almost 10 years ago and I was surprised at how profoundly it affected me. Since she died of complications from a stroke, I made some life-affirming lifestlye changes with diet and exercise to honor her since I knew she would want me to learn by her mistakes.

I hope you have someone to talk to. Losing a parent can be a life-changing event. Like others have already said, riding can be very therapeutic, as well as talking to someone, even if it's your buddies on this forum. Hang in there, buddy, time DOES have a way of healing the hurt.:)

Nick Morey

Just wanted to throw a thanks out to Pikey, Milo, & slowgator for their words of sympathy and encouragement. It's kinda rough right now but, I know time will help and the bike will still get some use before winter gets here (not that far away up here) I promise.

Sorry for crashing your thread with my woes, Milo.

Back to the thread subject I also like the Green and Cream, Black and Red, & Blue and White but, I think the Claret and Silver works best on my bike. :D


this could go on forever until all possible combos are used up and the restarted. the never ending thread! blow up a photo, copy it in black and white and then colour. when you find one that makes you happy stop. simple.
lost my mom to lung cancer, my father to throat cancer, now my wife has something growing in the wrong place and we don't yet know how far it has gotten until surgery in a couple of weeks so ride man. it will cure a lot of the blues. but if you sit around i guarantee the will not go away but the will sit on your head like a giant black cloud. so keep riding.

Milo B

Nick.... No worries mate. I believe forum threads are started to engage like minded individuals to share and communicate their thoughts. The fact that you chose to share what you did about your recent loss on this thread, shows that you felt comfortable among strangers and friends to be honest with what's on your mind. And the fact that many of us responded in kind is a testament to that.

We on this forum are connected by a love of a machine (and of it's practical use "Threewheel Bonnie). We are strangers and we are friends. And sometimes that is the most honest combination because nothing else (race, political views, money, whatever) gets in the way.

Dark time for you now, but speaking as someone who lost many close ones... celebrate the life, not the loss. The cloud will lift, as bs as that might sound... Time does help heal wounds. And as I am someone going back to motorcycling after 20 years... enjoy the focus and meditation of the ride. Tune out the worries... It's why so many on this board never gave it up ... (whether they choose to admit it or not.)

Best to you and glad so many joined this thread about something so simple as helping me understand people's preferences of color on the machine.


Great advice about the B&W experiments. And, like I said to Nick, deep sympathies from me to those you've lost and I hope that the results for your wife are not serious.

Milo - your words astound me - spoken from the heart.

I'm not sure to hit the "post" button here as I feel a bit of a dick commenting on serious shit like this but I guess my mum would have wanted me to so here goes....

Remember the ones you've lost and take care of the ones you love.


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TT Racer
Nick - deepest condolences.

Milo - well said

Everyone else - It is a long established fact that Black is the fastest color. The more chrome you lose, the faster the bike.


My '08 T100 is red & black. I really didn't want this, but it was all I could find. I helped the looks by striping the fenders to match the tank. My favorite factory colors are orange & white and the 2003 centennial version.


Street Tracker
Have Two Tanks

Here's how I solved this "problem"...have two tanks.
(Actually, I need three tanks, because I like Black & Red too!!)

Black & Chrome...........................................Scarlet & Silver
