BC Airbox Removal Kit (EFI)

Has anyone with an EFI bike installed the British Customs Air Box Removal Kit?

I am curious as to what to do with the intake air temp sensor.

There is also a dog leg shaped bracket with a stud attached to the side, and a hole in one end. A bolt is also supplied that is the appropriate size for the hole. I don't know where to install this bracket. I think it may be a carb brace but I'm having trouble figuring out how it works.

Thanks in advance,
Figured it out

Since I didn't get any replies, I went ahead and drilled a hole on the shiny side of the right K&N and inserted the temp sensor and screwed it fast.

I also found out that the dog leg bracket is actually part of the kick stand bumper.

I wish British Customs had included some instructions, but I got good tech support from Sean at BC.
Looks like you are the brave man to step out first. Photos please, what else have you done to your EFI? All that I have been able to understand so far regarding EFI mods is mufflers can be changed with good results if you get the Arrows mapping done. I think someone also opened the air box up a bit, still using the Arrows mapping.

I'm adding BC sleepers. I was going to put on the Predators, but I like the classic look. I've removed the AI along with progerssive 1" lower suspension front and rear. I've done the typical bolt on stuff in yellow (cam covers, Side panels, tankemblems, and tank pad.
I'll post pics when I get the bike back together and figure out how to post photo's. I'm an an old guy and don't have alot of computer savvy.


Street Tracker
I had the airbox removed from my EFI thruxton a while ago - I put the air temp sensor on inside between the two filters.

Its mapped with an arrow 2 into 2 map - and also has the air jet removed... I love it.

I talked with you before about GG.
The location of your air temp sensor sounds interesting. That would have saved me drilling two holes in my right K&N. I've removed my AI also. The whole change out makes for a much cleaner look.
I'm waiting for my BC Sleepers to arrive. FedEx tried to deliver them last Saturday but I was out in the shop and they left a door tag on my house.
needs a signature. They'll try again tomorrow.

Thanks for the reply.


Street Tracker
Does the alternative airbox have a noticable impact on performance? does it also compromise the standard warranty? I have a new 09 bonne SE white and blue and I am considering doing this, but is it worth the effort and cost?
I'm anticipating a performance increase. I have not got the map done yet. I was advised by the dealer not to run the engine more that two minutes without the map.
I don't think there will be any issues with the warranty as I bought all of the upgrade equipment through the dealer.

We have had a rare ice and snow storm here in North Carolina and I'm not sure when I'll be able to get the Bonnie loaded on the truck and hauled to the dealer for the re-map.

I will mention that I fired it up a few minutes ago in my shop and those BC Sleepers were LOUD. I asked the wife what she thought about the sound and she just said "It's your bike".