Basal Cell Carcinoma


Anyone had any experience with this stuff? I just got a pea sized bit taken off my left temple area by the doc. He wasn't concerned that it was malignant but took plenty of skin with it to make sure he got the whole burrito....and is sending it off for testing. Two deep stitches and five surface ones to close it up.
I'm not really worried but if anyone has any thoughts or has had any excisions done I'd like to hear what your experience was.
On the other hand, if it's fatal, I'm sending the title of my bike to the Dude to help with expenses....:up::bug:



Koifarm.......after 33 years in the Caribbean with my Canadian skin I am an expert. I have used a creme combo on my face, top of my hands and back. Its a 6 week treatment and and makes your skin look like a pizza but it burned off all the pre cancerous bits. I have had three chunks removed. My attitude with my doctor is if the rule says cut this deep for my skin blob ...cut a little deeper for safety. Skin cancer can be caught early but you need to go have a skin check up at least once a year if not every six months. I go 2 X a year and take no prisoners. In fact I changed dermatolgists twice until I found a doctor that would listen to me.
Gentlemen......2 other issues and do it.....after 45 years make sure you do the PSA prostate blood test once a year and after 50 get a colonoscopy. Skin, prostate and asshole cancer can be easily treated with early detection.
no big deal with the chunk removal....tell the women the scare is from a bullet wound. BUT have a check up in a year.
Nuff said...


I have had a BCC and although it is a worry they are the least dangerous of all skin cancers.
If left for a long period then they may develop into something of a concern but if you get them quickly then you will be fine.



Koi , My brother had it for years on his shoulder and didnt get it taking care of back then and last month he had to have it scraped from his shoulder bone even though the docs got it all he his still in danger from it coming back
Koi , My brother had it for years on his shoulder and didnt get it taking care of back then and last month he had to have it scraped from his shoulder bone even though the docs got it all he his still in danger from it coming back

Jesus, so what, this thing just spreads like roots until it's untreatably deep??


I've had a rough enough 3 months without my friends having to deal with this stuff too.Knock it off,dammit.
As for the colonoscopy,DO IT. Don't listen to your homophobe friends.I heard all the horror stories too,but Jeri made me do it on my 52nd birthday.I sat down,they gave me a pill,laid on my left side and 2 seconds later I was in the recovery room,having my shoes put back on. With a clean bill of health and a 10 year pass. Don't be scared to DEATH.
59 years living under the Australian sun has taken a bit of toll on me also. Have had a bigun chopped out of my back, and have had about 20 or 30 frozen over the years. Also have the PSA and rear end checked about once a year. Early detection is the answer, don't worry, it doesn't hurt, only your pride the first time.


Street Tracker
I am 67 and spent most of life in Texas in the summer and Honduras in the winter, living on boats and riding motorcycles. My skin is a wreck and I have had a bunch of basal cells removed and one squamous cell. Get checked up, and stay covered up. Basal cells are no big deal, I had the first one removed in 1975.


Street Tracker
Anyone had any experience with this stuff? I just got a pea sized bit taken off my left temple area by the doc. He wasn't concerned that it was malignant but took plenty of skin with it to make sure he got the whole burrito....and is sending it off for testing. Two deep stitches and five surface ones to close it up.
I'm not really worried but if anyone has any thoughts or has had any excisions done I'd like to hear what your experience was.
On the other hand, if it's fatal, I'm sending the title of my bike to the Dude to help with expenses....:up::bug:


Koi, BCC's and SCC's are non-melanomas. Google both and you will "get the good oil".
Sounds like your Doc has gone deep and taken the lot. Your biopsy results will show if he did.
Ya life, and ya bike are safe mate.


Thanks to all who answered. I'm a pretty sore puppy this morning after a fitful night. Long as I don't whip my head around too fast it's okay. Called the doc for a couple of pain meds this morning to assist the healing process and mitigate the discomfort. Whole left side of my head feels like it got whacked with a baseball bat.
It will pass though, and I'm feeling a lot better thanks to your inputs and advice and experiences and thank you all for that advice. Just gonna take it easy for a few, if I thought I could get a helmet on without a whole lot of discomfort I'd take a ride. On second thought......maybe the warm breeze without the helmet might help....heh...heh...heh...


PS....on the have two choices.....about 10 inches and all the way.....My attitude was if someone was going to stick something up my ass then "go all the way". ......The 10 incher doesn't tell the whole the deed. Hell today they flush you out....have a look and if they see any pollups they snip em off rt then and there. Do yourself, your family and friends a big favor and get one after 50. And they give you real good drugs for the big one.


+1 on the colonoscopy....I've had several by now, one short, four longs and boy o boy is that Versed a nice doc recommends one about every five years now, they did remove 14 polyps on the first one and the rest came up clear...
I did ask the anesthetist if I could have some of the Versed to take home, he laughed and told me there wouldn't be any for him if he did....however, to his credit, he did let me coast a few minutes before putting me under....I could market that stuff and retire...