Bafflectomy on the 2009


Street Tracker

I am not sure what it does on an 09 w/ EFI? The baffles were made tougher in o7-08 I think & the holesaw doesnt do it real well now! If ya take 2" off the end, it looks real good & makes the whole gig much easier. Check mine on albums/pics under Capt Don ( only pic I got) posted by Grey Plague since I never could get a pic on here! Gives a little more opening as well w/o the curled lip! Good luck- it wasnt real hard on the 04. I have heard a lot of frustation on the later ones!


Street Tracker

I forget where I am @ times! Its on Rat nest under captdon Dont know if you go there? Sorry! It really does look nice! The 2" off makes the pipe line up w/ the tire- kinda like it was meant to be that way. I wish I couldpost pice! If ya want to give me a mail add I will send ya a bunch of them.


Don't worry about taking a while, it is some tough metal back thataway and takes patience to finish.
Read the article here:
If you look on the last post you'll see what I used instead of a hole saw, also pay attention to protecting your rims and other parts from the metal dust generated when you do the procedure otherwise you will end up with a whole bunch of rust everywhere.


just a heads up, the fuel injection will post likely require some type of remap with this so it doesnt get too out of whack, not sure how well the stock comp will compensate


just a heads up, the fuel injection will post likely require some type of remap with this so it doesnt get too out of whack, not sure how well the stock comp will compensate

It won't be that much of a change. The only thing you can remove on the newer bonnies is the last baffle.

Its a 1.25 hole saw on yours if I'm not mistak'n and the metal is hard. I think I use two hole saw but I try and keep em in stock for notching tubing.


Just removed baffles on 06 T100 Thanx to posts on this forum took no time at all 1 smoke and two beers not great sound level change but better