Bad bad news regarding Norton


Two Stroke
Anyone considering putting a deposit down on a new Norton might want to read this first:

The following posts on a consumer action website by burned 'customers' makes for very sad reading as well.

In short it looks as if the latest Norton re-incarnation may not be long for this world. As to all the talk of these Norton bikes being 'all british' and 'high quality', it turns out not to have been the case at all.

Apparently Norton's quality control appeared to be non-existent as well. It smacks of shady practices all round based on the two sources above.

Anyway, very sad to find out about this as I was considering a Commando purchase down the road.
If only John Bloor would buy Norton.

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Cafe Racer
I remember sitting on the new commando when I was at the Birmingham NEC show back in 2009. Beautiful bike but at a sticker that I could never justify. Don't get me wrong...I was definitely one of the guys rooting for Norton to make a go of this...sad but what is sadder are people spending twenty grand of their money on a bike they never see and end up trying to get their money back! I think these articles are just showing the tip of the iceberg.


TT Racer
South Bay Triumph has an order form up asking for a 3K deposit. Hopefully that money is not sent to Norton and lost in the shuffle...getting money back in the US is bad enough, imagine trying to fight that overseas!
A shame...and a sham all rolled into one.


in other news. . . woof!



NBR founder
seeing how this thread has NOTHING to do with the technical aspect of Bonnevilles/T100s .. it's been moved to the Ace Cafe area.


I never bought into the Norton mystique, and I'm not one bit surprised to see it in the toilet. Bloor did it right with Triumph, building it back up from the roots. Norton looked as if they were starting from the top with flash and fanfare, kinda like Indian but worse. Maybe a real businessperson will scoop up Norton and save it.