Apperently Im not supposed to wear My USA jacket while on my Bonnie?


Street Tracker
I survived two landmines and a whole bunch of other crap in the first Gulf War fighting for that flag.

Wear it with pride...
Yeah man, you're an American. You can wear whatever you like.

I've got an American flag on one shoulder and a Brit flag on the other on my jacket. If someone told me that's stupid I'd just look at them in such a way that they'd feel their own ridiculousness and then start talking to someone else.

I'm somewhat unforgiving of people who say idiotic things out loud, so if a guy said that to me I'd probably call him out on it in front of everyone.

Uncle Fat

Lively thread... I'm a little surprised that nobody has pointed out that the jacket looks like you bought it at Vanilla Ice's garage sale in 1988...

That being said, who cares?! It's a ride, not a fashion show. Wear whateverthehell makes you happy!
My rant

I bought a 91 suzuki sidekick 4x4 to use as a throw away hunting vehicle because it was inexpensive and my credit would not allow me to purchase what I really wanted. It has been tough as h***, goes places that scare the sh** outta me and never failed to get me back home. Been reliable to boot.

I fly Old Glory on the back of it. :usa: I don't feel self conscience about it at all. When I take part in a PG mission, I fly Old Glory from my Triumph.

Wear what you like, it sounds like the jacket you wear is good for protection and warmth and that is what counts. :rant: over
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I survived two landmines and a whole bunch of other crap in the first Gulf War fighting for that flag.

Wear it with pride...

Being a vetern myself,the above statement is what it's all about. Men have fought & died so you can have the freedom to wear whatever the hell you want. Next time tell that pseudo land pirate that if he don't like the flag he should leave the country and mind his damn business. That should shut him up.


Two Stroke

I stopped paying attention to what I was supposed to wear more than twenty years ago and have been a much happier man because of it. My response to the metrosexual BS was to affirm my flannelsexuality. Riding should be about adrenaline and freedom not looking good - you would have gotten something else to ride if you didn't feel that way. Just ride and do whatever you want. Preppies never change - just give them the cold stare and they'll clam up....:ignore:
Uhh, this thread died 7 months ago. The jacket is still ugly. Even if it had a big ass Union Jack on it, it would still be ugly. Let it go.


I ride what I want, wear what I want and say what I want.I do it for me and don't give a shit what other people think or say.
Uhh, this thread died 7 months ago. The jacket is still ugly. Even if it had a big ass Union Jack on it, it would still be ugly. Let it go.

+1! This thread hasn't been dead long enough for the jacket to be "old school" yet. Maybe revive it in 25 years and it will be cool. HEHE.


I don't anyone was asking if it was ugly or not.

The whole deal was that the jacket had old glory on it and I was on a brit bike while wearing it.

The Jacket has served its purpose.
While riding My xl500r a few weeks ago a Older Gentleman ran a stop sign on my left.

I Lowsided the bike and slid down the street on my back, helmet first. The"Vannila Ice" jacket saved my back and elbows and I got up without a scratch from a 45mph slide.

I could have cared less if it was Pink at that point...
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I don't think anyone was asking if it was ugly or not.

The whole deal was that the jacket had old glory on it and I was on a brit bike while wearing it.

The Jacket has served its purpose.
While riding My xl500r a few weeks ago a Older Gentleman ran a stop sign on my left.

I Lowsided the bike and slid down the street on my back, helmet first. The"Vannila Ice" jacket saved my back and elbows and I got up without a scratch from a 45mph slide.

I could have cared if it was Pink at that point...

Sorry to hear about your near miss. It's good to hear that you're OK. If you like the jacket fuck what anyone else says, go out and buy another one. When someone gives you shit just tell them your story. That should shut them up.


I can think of at least a dozen reasons why I might or might not want to wear a jacket with an American flag while riding a British bike, but being concerned about what other people think isn't one of them. Do whatever you want and fuck everyone else.
Actually looks like a good jacket for safety and tho i would probably wear a leather vest to hide flag (any flag that big on a jacket not my thing) I would wear that for for sure. Fuck others, and pleased yr ok after yr slide.


Actually looks like a good jacket for safety and tho i would probably wear a leather vest to hide flag (any flag that big on a jacket not my thing) I would wear that for for sure. Fuck others, and pleased yr ok after yr slide.

The leather vest would make you look WAY goofier than the flag.
I actually like the vests as can sew my patches on it. What I find really really goofy are the Dungarees you yanks where. No one here would be seen dead in em lol. Funny whats acceptable and un-acceptable in different countries.


Dungarees? Not sure what you mean here.

Nothing wrong with vests I guess but over a leather jacket? I guess it would give you more leather on your hide so that's never a bad though.


ok for a jacket looks bright. where is the armour? you could always put a couple of tri patches on it. but ya canot make em all happy